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10. November 2022
New Publication by Sebastian Sattler on Public Attitudes towards Neurotechnology in PLOS ONE
Sattler, S., Pietralla, D. (2022): Public
Attitudes towards Neurotechnology: Findings from Two Experiments
Concerning Brain Stimulation Devices (BSDs) and Brain-Computer
Interfaces (BCIs). PLOS One 17: e0275454. ►LINK
This study contributes to the emerging literature on public perceptions of neurotechnological devices (NTDs)
in their medical and non-medical applications, depending on their
invasiveness, framing effects, and interindividual differences related
to personal needs and values. We conducted two web-based between-subject
experiments (2×2×2) using a representative, nation-wide sample of the
adult population in Germany. Using vignettes describing how two NTDs,
brain stimulation devices (BSDs; NExperiment 1 = 1,090) and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs; NExperiment 2 =
1,089), function, we randomly varied the purpose (treatment vs.
enhancement) and invasiveness (noninvasive vs. invasive) of the NTD,
and assessed framing effects (variable order of assessing moral
acceptability first vs. willingness to use first). We found a moderate
moral acceptance and willingness to use BSDs and BCIs. Respondents
preferred treatment over enhancement purposes and noninvasive over
invasive devices. We also found a framing effect and explored the role
of personal characteristics as indicators of personal needs and values
(e.g., stress, religiosity, and gender). Our results suggest that the
future demand for BSDs or BCIs may depend on the purpose, invasiveness,
and personal needs and values. These insights can inform technology
developers about the public’s needs and concerns, and enrich legal and
ethical debates.