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Soziologie - Tag [ab6]

Recent publications from AG Social Anthropology

Veröffentlicht am 29. September 2023

Nguyen, Minh T. N., and Lan Wei. 2023. “Peasant Traders, Migrant Workers and ‘Supermarkets’: Low-Cost Provisions and the Reproduction of Migrant Labor in China.” Economic Anthropology 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1002/sea2.12292.

Wilcox, Phill, Rigg, Jonathan, & Nguyen, Minh T. N. 2023. Rural Life in Late Socialism: Politics of Development and Imaginaries of the Future. Brill.   https://brill.com/display/title/63621?rskey=s2AkuQ&result=4.

Mao, Jingyu. 2023. “Doing Ethnicity—Multi-layered Ethnic Scripts in Contemporary China“. The China Quarterly 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305741023000681.

Mao, Jingyu. 2023. “Bringing emotional reflexivity and emotional regime to understanding ‘the hukou puzzle’ in contemporary China. Emotions and Society“. https://doi.org/10.1332/263169021X16731871958851 (published online ahead of print 2023).

Mao, Jingyu. & Yan, Zhu. 2023. “Friends are those who can help you out: unpacking the understandings and experiences of friendships among young migrant workers in China“. Families, Relationships and Societies. XX(XX): 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1332/204674321X16770752617895 (published online ahead of print 2023).

Lin, Jake. & Mao, Jingyu. 2023. “More equitable fiscal systems are needed to improve welfare provision for migrant workers in China and Vietnam“. Melbourne Asia Review. Edition 14. https://doi.org/10.37839/MAR2652-550X14.13 (Equal authorship).


New Frontiers of Research on Welfare in the Global South - Ring Lecture Series

Veröffentlicht am 21. September 2023

Whereas the welfare state in the Global North has been a response to industrialization and the rise of the workers' movement, the Global South is characterized by different legacies of social policy that stem, among others, from their colonial histories and the influence of transnational actors such as international organizations. In recent decades, social policies have further expanded across the Global South, as international organizations such as the ILO have (re-)discovered global poverty and the widespread lack of social protection for certain groups in the so-called "developing world" as intertwined. In light of far-reaching societal transformations, there have certainly been large-scale social policy developments in these countries in recent decades.

This lecture series hosts eminent scholars of social policy, anthropology, development and related fields, who will present their work on new frontiers of research on welfare in the Global South. Overall, the lecture series enquires into the varying trajectories of welfare transformations in the Global South and their political, historical and social contexts.

All lectures, with exception of the first, will be hybrid events. To register to the Zoom events click here



Hindu Deities on ‘World Tour’: Unbounded Efficacies - First publication of Bielefeld Anthropological Papers on Issues of the Global World (BAPGW)

Veröffentlicht am 7. September 2023

The first paper of the new working paper series »Bielefeld Anthropological Papers on Issues of the Global World (BAPGW)« has been published. 

BAPGW features innovative theoretical and empirical analyses by scholars working on socio-cultural, economic and political issues of global implications in diverse contexts whose works are anthropologically and ethnographically oriented. The series provides a platform for staff members, guest speakers and visiting scholars of Bielefeld University's Faculty of Sociology to disseminate their findings, gather feedback and initiate discussion on their ongoing works. The series is edited and sponsored by the Faculty’s Department for Sociology of Transnationalisation and Social Anthropology.

The paper by Vineeta Sinha (University of Singapore) is titled »Hindu Deities on ‘World Tour’: Unbounded Efficacies«. 

For more information and access click here.


Rural Life in Late Socialism - Open-Access publication

Veröffentlicht am 30. August 2023

»Rural Life in Late Socialism: Politics of Development and Imaginaries of the Future« has been published by Brill as an open-access book. This is an updated version of the special issue with the same name, which was edited by Phill Wilcox, Jonathan Rigg, and Minh Nguyen. Catrina Schwendender contributed a chapter titled »A Good Life Postponed: Working in the Countryside, Retiring in the City in Contemporary China.« For more information and open access click here.

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Augsburger Wissenschaftspreis für interkulturelle Studien 2023 an Dr.in Isabell Diekmann verliehen

Veröffentlicht am 13. Juli 2023
Der diesjährige Hauptpreis des Augsburger Wissenschaftspreises für interkulturelle Studien, verliehen von der Universität Augsburg, der Stadt Augsburg und Fill e.V., geht an Dr.in Isabell Diekmann. Ausgezeichnet wird ihre im Jahr 2021 an der Fakultät für Soziologie der Universität Bielefeld eingereichte Dissertation „Good Muslims, bad Islam? Zur differenzierten Betrachtung feindlicher Einstellungen gegenüber Menschen und Religion“, die sich empirisch mit Unterschieden zwischen Vorurteilen gegenüber Muslim*innen und Vorurteilen gegenüber der Religion des Islams auseinandersetzt. Die Dissertation ist Open Access im Springer Verlag erschienen (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-39065-5). Weitere Infos: https://www.uni-augsburg.de/de/campusleben/neuigkeiten/2023/07/11/augsburger-wissenschaftspreis-fur-interkulturelle-studien-2023-verliehen/[Weiterlesen]
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Habilitationsvortrag von Dr. Rosa Brandhorst „Jugendtransitionen im Kontext intra-europäischer Migration und Wirtschaftskrisen“

Veröffentlicht am 12. Juli 2023
Am 12. Juli fand an der Fakultät für Soziologie ein bedeutender Habilitationsvortrag statt, präsentiert von Frau Dr. Rosa Brandhorst. Unter dem Titel "Jugendtransitionen im Kontext von intra-europäischer Migration in der Wirtschaftskrise" beleuchtete sie die Statusübergänge von Ausbildung zur Erwerbstätigkeit, insbesondere im Spannungsfeld sich überlappender Wirtschaftskrisen wie der Finanzkrise von 2008, der Eurokrise, der Covid-19-Pandemie und der aktuellen Energiekrise.

Dr. Brandhorst erlangte die Venia Legendi in Soziologie und wurde von folgender Habilitationskommission, bestehend aus Prof. Dr. Thomas Faist (Universität Bielefeld), Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen (Universität Bielefeld) und Prof. Dr. Lena Näre (Universität Helsinki), begleitet.

Ihr Fokus liegt auf transnationalen Beziehungen, Entwicklungs- und Migrationssoziologie, wobei sie nicht nur in der Forschung aktiv ist, sondern auch maßgeblich zur Internationalisierung der Fakultät beiträgt, internationale Hochschulkooperationen fördert und den MA Soziologie International Track betreut.

Ein zentraler Bestandteil ihrer Habilitationsschrift "Transnational Social Support Networks of older Migrants in Australia" basiert auf einer umfassenden empirischen Studie über soziale Unterstützungsnetzwerke älterer Migrant*innen in Australien. Diese Arbeit analysiert die transnationale Dimension von sozialen Lebenswelten und ihre Bedeutung für das Konzept des "Ageing in Place" sowie für die Altenpflegepolitik in einer Einwanderungsgesellschaft.

Dr. Brandhorsts interdisziplinäre Forschung, welche biografische, qualitativ-netzwerkanalytische und ethnographische Methoden nutzt, trägt erheblich zur Entwicklung der Migrationssoziologie und Gerontologie bei. Ihr aktuelles Projekt untersucht die Rolle lokaler und transnationaler Unterstützungsnetzwerke in den Migrationsverläufen südeuropäischer Migrant*innen in Deutschland.

Mit ihrer wegweisenden Arbeit leistet Dr. Rosa Brandhorst einen bedeutsamen Beitrag zur soziologischen Forschungslandschaft und hebt die Relevanz von transnationalen sozialen Verflechtungen und Migrationsbewegungen für die moderne Gesellschaft hervor.

Dr. Rosa Brandhorst leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur soziologischen Erforschung des Alterns.[Weiterlesen]
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The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Turkish and German Students' Career Choices

Veröffentlicht am 6. Juli 2023

Wir möchten Sie herzlich zum Vortrag „The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Turkish and German Students' Career Choices" von Büşra Fadim Sarıkaya (Türkisch-Deutsche Universität Istanbul) einladen. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil des in der Arbeitsgruppe Soziologie der Transnationalisierung organisierten Kolloquiums "The Transnational Lens" im Sommersemester 2023. Der Vortrag findet am Mittwoch, dem 12. Juli 2023 von 16 bis 18 Uhr c.t. in englischer Sprache via Zoom statt. Anmeldung an isabell.diekmann@uni-bielefeld.de.

Weitere Informationen 

We would like to cordially invite you to the presentation „The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Turkish and German Students' Career Choices" by Büşra Fadim Sarıkaya (Turkish-German University Istanbul). The event is part of the colloquium series "The Transnational Lens", organized in the research group Sociology of Transnationalization in the summer term 2023. It will take place on Wednesday, 12th July, 2023 from 16:15 to 17:45 in English via zoom. Please register with isabell.diekmann@uni-bielefeld.de.

Further Informations 

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Understanding Asia: Eldercare as Recognition in the Aftermath of Dutch Colonialism

Veröffentlicht am 9. Juni 2023

The Understanding Asia Colloquium Series 2023 continues on June 14th from 16:15 to 17:45 in X-E0-200. The lecture is titled »Eldercare as Recognition in the Aftermath of Dutch Colonialism« and will be held by Olivia Killias from University of Zurich. 

You can join us in person or via Zoom. Click here for registration.


Death Economy, Market Governance, and Market Subjects: An Ethnography of Funeral Professionals in Urban China

Veröffentlicht am 8. Mai 2023
The Understanding Asia Colloquium Series continues on May 24th from 4pm to 6pm. Dr. Huwy-min Lucia Liu from George Mason University will hold a lecture titled »Death Economy, Market Governance, and Market Subjects: An Ethnography of Funeral Professionals in Urban China«. The event will take place via Zoom. Klick here for registration.[Weiterlesen]
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Understanding Asia: "Democratic Regression and Environmental Politics in Indonesia"

Veröffentlicht am 6. April 2023

The Understanding Asia Colloquium Series continues. Our first guest this semester is Dirk Tomsa from La Trobe University Melbourne. His talk is titled "Democratic Regression and Environmental Politics in Indonesia" and will take place on 12.04. from 16:15 to 17:45 in X-E0-200. 

Click here for more information.

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H. Russell Bernard Graduate Student Travel Award goes to Zhenwei Wang

Veröffentlicht am 31. März 2023
The H. Russell Bernard Graduate Student Travel Award at the Society for Anthropological Sciences Spring Meeting 2023 goes to Zhenwei Wang. Her submitted paper is called: "Forced and Uncertain Co-Presence: Smart Cameras and Distant Homework Supervision in Eastern China". For more information on the award click here.[Weiterlesen]
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Panel to be held at ASA 2023 conference on Financializing social protection in the Global South

Veröffentlicht am 17. Januar 2023

Professor Minh Nguyen and Dr Jingyu Mao will co-convene a panel at ASA (Association of Social Anthropologists) 2023 conference this April at SOAS, London.

Professor Sohini Kar from the London School of Economics will be the discussant.

More details can be found here: https://nomadit.co.uk/conference/asa2023/p/12818.  

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Transnational Mobility, Kinship and Aspiration for the Good Life in Rural Central Vietnam

Veröffentlicht am 16. Januar 2023
"Transnational Mobility, Kinship and Aspiration for the Good Life in Rural Central Vietnam" is the title of the talk Minh Nguyen will give tomorrow (January 17th, 6pm) at University of Bremen. The talk is part of the IfEK colloquium series (Institute for Ethnology and Cultural studies). You can join the hybrid event by contacting: xiaoling@uni-bremen.de.[Weiterlesen]
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Parental migration and differences in families ́ treatment of boys and girls in rural China

Veröffentlicht am 16. Januar 2023
The Understanding Asia colloquium series continues on January 18th with the lecture titled: "Parental migration and differences in families ́ treatment of boys and girls in rural China". It will be held by Prof. Rachel Murphy from St Antony's College Oxford. The talk talk starts at 16:30 in X-C3-107. For more information klick here.[Weiterlesen]
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"Fieldwork Meets Crisis" - Latest special section of the Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology published

Veröffentlicht am 20. Dezember 2022
A new special section of the Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology titled "Fieldwork Meets Crisis" has just been published. Minh Nguyen is one of the co-editors of the publication and Phill Wilcox and Ngoc Minh Luong contribute a shortcut piece named "Life and Dept: Financial Precarity, COVID-19 and Ethical Dilemmas in Laos and Vietnam". You can find the content of the publication here. The journal is the official publication of the German Association for Social and Cultural Anthropology.[Weiterlesen]
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