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New Publication by Sebastian Sattler on Cooperative Behavior in the Workplace published in Frontiers in Psychology

Veröffentlicht am 9. Januar 2023

Sattler, S., Dubljevic, V., Racine, E. (2022): Cooperative Behavior in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from The Agent-Deed-Consequences Model of Moral Judgment. Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1064442. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1064442

Introduction: Moral judgment is of critical importance in the work context because of its implicit or explicit omnipresence in a wide range of work-place practices. The moral aspects of actual behaviors, intentions, and consequences represent areas of deep preoccupation, as exemplified in current corporate social responsibility programs, yet there remain ongoing debates on the best understanding of how such aspects of morality (behaviors, intentions, and consequences) interact. The ADC Model of moral judgment integrates the theoretical insights of three major moral theories (virtue ethics, deontology, and consequentialism) into a single model, which explains how moral judgment occurs in parallel evaluation processes of three different components: the character of a person (Agent-component); their actions (Deed-component); and the consequences brought about in the situation (Consequences-component). The model offers the possibility of overcoming difficulties encountered by single or dual-component theories. Methods: We designed a 2 × 2 × 2-between-subjects design vignette experiment with a Germany-wide sample of employed respondents (N = 1,349) to test this model. Results: Results showed that the Deed-component affects willingness to cooperate in the work context, which is mediated via moral judgments. These effects also varied depending on the levels of the Agent- and Consequences-component. Discussion: Thereby, the results exemplify the usefulness of the ADC Model in the work context by showing how the distinct components of morality affect moral judgment. LINK

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Interview der Barmer Krankenkasse mit Sebastian Sattler zum Thema Medikamentenmissbrauch

Veröffentlicht am 29. November 2022
Im Artikel über Neuroenhancement spricht Sebastian Sattler gegenüber der Internetredaktion der Barmer darüber, dass die Wirksamkeit von Medikamenten zur Leistungssteigerung oft überschätzt wird. Stress und Leistungsdruck seien aber wichtige Beweggründe zu solchen Mitteln zu greifen, wobei auch ein substanz-affines Umfeld Menschen dazu bringt, Pillen ohne medizinische Notwendigkeit einzunehmen. Link zum Artikel:
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New Publication by Sebastian Sattler on Public Attitudes towards Neurotechnology in PLOS ONE

Veröffentlicht am 10. November 2022

Sattler, S., Pietralla, D. (2022): Public Attitudes towards Neurotechnology: Findings from Two Experiments Concerning Brain Stimulation Devices (BSDs) and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). PLOS One 17: e0275454. LINK


This study contributes to the emerging literature on public perceptions of neurotechnological devices (NTDs) in their medical and non-medical applications, depending on their invasiveness, framing effects, and interindividual differences related to personal needs and values. We conducted two web-based between-subject experiments (2×2×2) using a representative, nation-wide sample of the adult population in Germany. Using vignettes describing how two NTDs, brain stimulation devices (BSDs; NExperiment 1 = 1,090) and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs; NExperiment 2 = 1,089), function, we randomly varied the purpose (treatment vs. enhancement) and invasiveness (noninvasive vs. invasive) of the NTD, and assessed framing effects (variable order of assessing moral acceptability first vs. willingness to use first). We found a moderate moral acceptance and willingness to use BSDs and BCIs. Respondents preferred treatment over enhancement purposes and noninvasive over invasive devices. We also found a framing effect and explored the role of personal characteristics as indicators of personal needs and values (e.g., stress, religiosity, and gender). Our results suggest that the future demand for BSDs or BCIs may depend on the purpose, invasiveness, and personal needs and values. These insights can inform technology developers about the public’s needs and concerns, and enrich legal and ethical debates.
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New paper by Jule Adriaans on the consequences of unfair earnings published in European Sociological Review

Veröffentlicht am 20. Oktober 2022

Referenz: Adriaans, J. (2022). Fairness of earnings in Europe: the consequences of unfair under- and overrewad for life satisfaction. European Sociological Review (online first), https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcac044


A large percentage of workers in Europe perceive their earnings to be unfairly low. Such perceptions of unfairness can have far-reaching consequences, ranging from low satisfaction to poor health. To gain insight into the conditions that can attenuate or amplify these adverse consequences, comparative research on the role of country contexts in shaping responses to perceived unfairness is needed. Furthermore, justice theory proposes that both types of perceived unfairness—underreward and overreward—cause distress, but evidence on overreward from representative survey data is scarce and laboratory studies have produced mixed results. Data from the European Social Survey (collected in 2018/2019) offer a means of addressing both of these gaps in the research. Studying the association between perceived fairness of personal earnings and life satisfaction in a cross-section of 29 European countries, I find that both underreward and overreward are associated with lower life satisfaction. This relationship is more pronounced in countries where the equity norm is strongly legitimized and weaker in countries where the trade union density is high.

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Carsten Sauer and co-authors win the Richard Scott Article Award

Veröffentlicht am 4. Oktober 2022
Carsten Sauer and co-authors win the Richard Scott Article Award of the Organizations, Occupations and Work (OOW) section of the American Sociological Association (ASA) for their paper “Categorical Distinctions and Claims-Making: Opportunity, Agency, and Returns from Wage Negotiations,” published in the American Sociological Review, 86:934-959. LINK
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New Publication by Sebastian Sattler on Rehabilitation Professionals’ Views on Brain-Computer Interfaces

Veröffentlicht am 4. Oktober 2022

Sample, M., Boehlen, W., Sattler, S., Racine, É., Blain-Moraes, S. (2022): Brain-Computer Interfaces, Inclusive Innovation, and the Promise of Restoration: A Mixed-Methods Study with Rehabilitation Professionals. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. LINK


Over the last two decades, researchers have promised “neuroprosthetics” for use in physical rehabilitation and to treat patients with paralysis. Fulfilling this promise is not merely a technical challenge but is accompanied by consequential practical, ethical, and social implications that warrant sociological investigation and careful deliberation. In response, this paper explores how rehabilitation professionals evaluate the development and application of BCIs. It thereby also asks how the BCIs come to be seen as desirable or not, and implicitly, what types of persons, rights, and responsibilities are assumed in this discourse. To this end, we conducted a web-based survey (N=135) and follow-up interviews (N=15) with Canadian professionals in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology. We find that rehabilitation professionals, like other publics, express hope and enthusiasm regarding the use of BCIs for assistive purposes. They envision BCI devices as powerful means to reintegrate patients and disabled people into social life but also express practical and ethical reservations about the technology, positioning themselves as uniquely qualified to inform responsible BCI design and implementation. These results further illustrate the nascent “co-production” of neural technologies and social order. More immediately, they also pose a serious challenge for implementing frameworks of responsible innovation; merely prescribing more inclusive technology development may not counteract technocratic processes and widely held ableist views about the need to augment certain bodies using technology.
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New paper on measuring basic social justice orientations in the ESS by Jule Adriaans and Marie Fourré

Veröffentlicht am 28. September 2022

Referenz: Adriaans, J., & Fourré, M. (2022). Basic social justice orientations—measuring order-related justice in the European Social Survey Round 9. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences, 4(1), 11.


Individuals hold normative ideas about the just distribution of goods and burdens within a social aggregate. These normative ideas guide the evaluation of existing inequalities and refer to four basic principles: (1)Equalitystands for an equal distribution of rewards and burdens. While the principle of (2) need takes individual contributions into account, (3) equity suggests a distribution based on merit. The (4) entitlement principle suggests that ascribed (e.g., gender) and achieved status characteristics (e.g., occupational prestige) should determine the distribution of goods and burdens. Past research has argued that preferences for these principles vary with social position as well as the social structure of a society. The Basic Social Justice Orientations (BSJO) scale was developed to assess agreement with the four justice principles but so far has only been fielded in Germany. Round 9 of the European Social Survey (ESS R9 with data collected in 2018/2019) is the first time; four items of the BSJO scale (1 item per justice principle) were included in a cross-national survey program, offering the unique opportunity to study both within and between country variation. To facilitate substantive research on preference for equality, equity, need, and entitlement, this report provides evidence on measurement quality in 29 European countries from ESS R9. Analyzing response distributions, non-response, reliability, and associations with related variables, we find supportive evidence that the four items of the BSJO scale included in ESS R9 produce low non-response rates, estimate agreement with the four distributive principles reliably, and follow expected correlations with related concepts. Researchers should, however, remember that the BSJO scale, as implemented in the ESS R9, only provides manifest indicators, which therefore may not cover the full spectrum of the underlying distributive principles but focus on specific elements of it.

Link: rdcu.be/cWgQS

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Stud. oder wiss. Hilfskraft gesucht

Veröffentlicht am 15. September 2022

Zum 1.12.2022 ist eine studentische Hilfskraftstelle (ohne Abschluss), bzw. bei Vorliegen eines BA-Abschlusses eine wissenschaftl. Hilfskraftstelle, mit 6-19 Stunden/Woche im DFG-Projekt "Understanding non-compliance with prevention measures against COVID-19 infections in Germany" für zunächst 6 Monate zu besetzen (Verlängerung möglich). Nähere Einzelheiten finden Sie hier:


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New Paper Using the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model to Explain Prescription Drug Misuse in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health by Sebastian Sattler

Veröffentlicht am 27. Juni 2022

Sattler, S., Knesebeck, O. v. d. (2022): Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Prescription Drug Misuse – Prospective Evidence from Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19, 7632. LINK

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New Paper on a Debated Parenting Practice in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement by Sebastian Sattler

Veröffentlicht am 15. Juni 2022

Hiltrop, K., Sattler, S. (2022, online first): Parents’ Perceptions on the Debated Parenting Practice of Cognitive Enhancement in Healthy Children and Adolescents. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement (shared 1st authorship). LINK

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New publication by Jule Adriaans and Matteo Targa in European Societies

Veröffentlicht am 7. Juni 2022

Referenz: Adriaans, J. & Targa, M. (2022). Gender differences in fairness evaluations of own earnings in 28 European countries. European Societies (online first). 1-25.

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New publication in Frontiers in Public Health on Adherence to COVID-19 Behavioral Measures

Veröffentlicht am 19. Mai 2022

Sattler, S., Taflinger, S., Ernst, A., Hasselhorn, F. (2022). A Moderated Mediation Model Explaining the Relationship between Risk-Group Membership, Threat Perception, Knowledge, and Adherence to COVID-19 Behavioral Measures. Frontiers in Public Health. LINK

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New publication by Sebastian Sattler in Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal

Veröffentlicht am 4. April 2022

Mitchell, M., Schuurman, D., Shapiro, C., Sattler, S., Sorensen, C., Martinez, J. (2022): The L.Y.G.H.T. Program: An Evaluation of a Peer Grief Support Intervention for Youth in Foster Care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-022-00843-7. LINK

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New publication by Sebastian Sattler in Deviant Behavior on social norms

Veröffentlicht am 22. März 2022

Huber, S., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G. (2022): Mechanisms of Perceived Social Norms: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Morality and Outcome Expectations on Prescription Drug Misuse in the Working Population. Deviant Behavior. LINK

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