© Universität Bielefeld


Soziologie - Tag [kaasch]

New Frontiers of Research on Welfare in the Global South - Ring Lecture Series

Veröffentlicht am 21. September 2023

Whereas the welfare state in the Global North has been a response to industrialization and the rise of the workers' movement, the Global South is characterized by different legacies of social policy that stem, among others, from their colonial histories and the influence of transnational actors such as international organizations. In recent decades, social policies have further expanded across the Global South, as international organizations such as the ILO have (re-)discovered global poverty and the widespread lack of social protection for certain groups in the so-called "developing world" as intertwined. In light of far-reaching societal transformations, there have certainly been large-scale social policy developments in these countries in recent decades.

This lecture series hosts eminent scholars of social policy, anthropology, development and related fields, who will present their work on new frontiers of research on welfare in the Global South. Overall, the lecture series enquires into the varying trajectories of welfare transformations in the Global South and their political, historical and social contexts.

All lectures, with exception of the first, will be hybrid events. To register to the Zoom events click here



Alexandra Kaasch zur neuen Prorektorin „Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft“ gewählt

Veröffentlicht am 8. Juli 2021

Prof.in Dr. Alexandra Kaasch wurde am 5. Juli als neues Mitglied des Rektorats der Universität Bielefeld gewählt. Die Wahl durch die Hochschulwahlversammlung erfolgte pandemiebedingt per Briefwahl. Alexandra Kaasch folgt ab dem 1. Oktober 2021 auf Professor Dr. Martin Egelhaaf, der nach fast 16 Jahren zur Mitte der aktuellen Amtszeit seinen Rücktritt erklärt hatte.

Zum vollständigen Artikel.

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New edited collection "International Organizations in Global Social Governance"

Veröffentlicht am 22. April 2021

Together with Kerstin Martens and Dennis Niemann (Bremen University), Alexandra Kaasch co-edited "International Organizations in Global Social Governance", published by Palgrave Macmillan and available for open access.

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Call for Articles - Global Social Policy Journal

Veröffentlicht am 29. April 2019

Global Social Policy is a fully peer-reviewed journal that advances understandings of social policy, social development, social and health governance, gender and poverty, social welfare, education, employment, and food, and the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation, from transnational and global perspectives. The editors welcome articles addressing the subject of global social policy, discourse, and practice, through a focus on transnational flows of capital, people, ideas and policies; transnational social movements and non-governmental organisations; international intergovernmental organisations and world-regional and transregional intergovernmental institutions and groupings.


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Call for Book Proposals - New Series 'Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy'

Veröffentlicht am 29. April 2019

Call for book proposals
Proposals are invited for books that include one or a range of the following: country case studies within a multi-level governance/scales frame; small, medium and large_N comparative studies that analyse social policy development and change, and global social policy studies that address various fields of social policy in their transnational or global dimensions.


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« April 2024
