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Soziologie - Tag [agnguyen]

Roundtable “Methodologies On and Offline: Doing Ethnography Ethically in the Digital Age”

Veröffentlicht am 28. Juli 2020

Phill Wilcox, from AG Social Anthropology, Bielefeld University, has co-convened a roundtable on digital methodologies for the EASA 2020 conference on 22. July 2020.

The roundtable “Methodologies on and offline: doing ethnography ethically in the digital age” examines how digital technologies impact the anthropological methodology by discussing issues related to the ethics of digital research, the contemporary understanding of the field site, public intimacy, data management, the notion of public/private, and online/offline identities.

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New Publications from RG Social Anthropology

Veröffentlicht am 28. Juli 2020

The RG Social Anthropology has published three new papers recently:


Minh Nguyen Co-Editor of Special Issue on "The Moral Turn of Development in South East Asia"

Veröffentlicht am 22. April 2020

Minh Nguyen  is the co-editor of the current South East Asia Research, Volume 28, Issue 1: “Beyond the State? The Moral Turn of Development in South East Asia”. This a special issue of South East Asia Research on moral development in Southeast Asia, edited by Associate Professor Annuska Derks and Professor Minh Nguyen. Looking “beyond the state”, articles in this special issue examine new assemblages of humanitarian and development actors.

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Minh Nguyen wins book prize

Veröffentlicht am 30. September 2019

Minh Nguyen’s book Waste and Wealth: An Ethnography of Labor, Value, and Morality in a Vietnamese Recycling Economy is the winner of the 2019 Book Prize of the Society for the Anthropology of Work

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Interview des Max-Planck-Instituts mit Minh Nguyen

Veröffentlicht am 11. Juli 2019

Auf der Seite des "Max-Planck-Instituts für ethnologische Forschung" finden Sie unter dem Titel "Das Alumni-Interview: 10 Fragen an Minh Nguyen" ein kurzes Interview mit Minh Nguyen. Bevor sie 2018 als Professorin für Sozialanthropologie an die Fakultät kam, wirkte Minh Nguyen zwischen 2011 und 2016 als Research Fellow innerhalb der Fokusgruppe "Social Support and Kinship in China and Vietnam" am "Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung" in Halle/Saale. In dem Interview blickt Minh Nguyen auf die Anfänge ihrerer Karriere und ihr damaliges Arbeitsumfeld am MPI zurück.

Link zur deutschen Fassung des Interviews.

Link to the English version of the interview.

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TRaNS: Trans – Regional and – National Studies of Southeast Asia, Volume 7/1 (ed. by Minh Nguyen & Oliver Tappe)

Veröffentlicht am 24. Juni 2019

The new volume of the series "TRaNS", which approaches studies of Southeast Asia, has recently been published by Cambridge University Press. Minh Nguyen and Oliver Tappe are featured as special editors. The recent publication consists of chapters written by Oliver Tappe, Minh Nguyen, Indré Balčaitė, Inga Gruß, Gerben Nooteboom and Cheryll Alipio.

 “TRN Volume 7 Issue 1.” TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia 7, no. 1 (2019): f1–f3. doi:10.1017/trn.2019.7.

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Minh Nguyen Featured in DAAD's Research in Germany Portal

Veröffentlicht am 8. April 2019

Under the headline "A Scoial Anthropologist Asks: How Do Countries Take Care of Their Citizens?", Minh Nguyen is currently featured in "DAAD's (German Academic Exchange Service) Research in Germany" portal. The initiative launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) seeks to present Germany's research achievements to the international scientific community.

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Bilder der Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen

Veröffentlicht am 22. Januar 2019

Am 16. Januar hielt Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen ihre Antrittsvorlesung mit dem Thema  "Waste and Wealth: Labor, Value and Morality in a Vietnamese Recycling Economy".

 Antrittsvorlesung NguyenProf. Dr. Minh Nguyen

 Antrittsvorlesung Nguyen

 Antrittsvorlesung NguyenDekanin Prof. Dr. Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka und Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen

 Weitere Bilder finden Sie in der Bildergalerie.


Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen

Veröffentlicht am 14. Januar 2019

Am Mittwoch, den 16. Januar 2019 hält Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen ihre Antrittsvorlesung zum Thema "Waste and Wealth: Labor, Value and Morality in a Vietnamese Recycling Economy". Die Veranstaltung findet um 12 Uhr (c.t.) in X-E0-002 statt.

Bevor Minh Nguyen Anfang 2018 Professorin für Sozialanthropologie an der Faktultät für Soziologie an der Universität Bielefeld geworden ist, hat sie sechs Jahre am Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung in Halle (Saale) geforscht.


P. Wilcox receives Bielefeld Young Researcher's Fund

Veröffentlicht am 23. November 2018

Phill Wilcox receives Bielefeld Young Researcher's Fund for her Projekt "One World: One Dream? The rise of China in Laos".

This project investigates perceptions of China and Chinese influence in Laos. Currently, a major railway is under construction from China that will cover approximately half the territory of Laos. My aim is to use the Lao-China railway as a means to investigate Laos at a time of change, and implications for Laos, Southeast Asia and ASEAN.

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New Book from M. Nguyen "Waste and Wealth"

Veröffentlicht am 13. November 2018

Waste and Wealth. An Ethnography of Labor, Value, and Morality in a Vietnamese Recycling Economy (Oxford University Press)

Waste and Wealth examines questions of value, labor, and morality underlining the translocal waste trading networks originating from a rural district in Vietnam. Considering waste as an economic category of global significance, this book shows migrant laborers' complex negotiations with political economic forces to remake their social and moral lives. It also illuminates how the waste traders seek to construct viable identities in the face of stigmatization, insecurity, and precarity. Waste and Wealth makes an important contribution to global studies of human economies and post-socialist transformations, demonstrating how the forces of globalization blend with local historical-cultural dynamics to shape the valuation of people and things.

Waste and Wealth is a volume in the series ISSUES OF GLOBALIZATION: CASE STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY ANTHROPOLOGY, which examines the experiences of individual communities in our contemporary world. Each volume offers a brief and engaging exploration of a particular issue arising from globalization and its cultural, political, and economic effects on certain peoples or groups.



"Waste and Wealth is an outstanding ethnography brimming with vivid details and insights about the lives of Vietnamese waste traders. Tracing the livelihood strategies, hopes, dreams, and struggles of Spring Village traders, Minh Nguyen takes readers on a riveting series of journeys throughout the nation's capital city, Hanoi, and surrounding areas. It is a story of hard, dirty labor, but also of resilience, social mobility, and economic uplift. The waste traders in this book are not only turning waste into gold, but literally remaking themselves, their village, and Vietnam's new rural economy."--Erik Lind Harms, Yale University

"With this compellingly written and highly original ethnography, Nguyen shows how informal recyclers remake themselves, their relationships, and their circumstances, laying to rest the assumptions that waste is inherently worthless and that those who work with it are doomed to abject poverty. The book is clearly written, demonstrating complex entanglements of dirty work, class aspirations, and gender politics in a post-socialist context."--Joshua Reno, Binghamton University

"The ethnography is skillfully crafted, drawing readers into people's lives with a keen appreciation of how they juggle competing moralities and demands on their lives. Nguyen's theoretical contribution is deft, efficient, and--as with the best ethnography--lightly and dexterously woven through her material."--Catherine Alexander, Durham University

Link to the book

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Artikel über das asienwissenschaftliche Netzwerk"Shaping Asia/s" erschienen

Veröffentlicht am 23. Oktober 2018

Über das asienwissenschaftliche Netzwerk "Shaping Asia/s", welches von Frau Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka und Christiane Brosius (Universität Heidelberg) initiiert wurde ist in der aktuellen Newsletter des Instituts für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften (IAAW) der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ein Artikel erschienen sowie in dem aktuellen Newsletter des ZIF.

IAAW Newsletter

ZiF Newsletter

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Minh Nguyen erhält EU-Wissenschaftspreis

Veröffentlicht am 10. Oktober 2018
Minh Nguyen Prof. Dr. Minh Nguyen. Foto: Universität Bielefeld

Für ihre sozialanthropologische Forschung über Ost- und Südostasien erhält Minh Nguyen einen ERC Starting Grant des Europäischen Forschungsrats (European Research Council, ERC). Dieser fördert exzellente und vielversprechende Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler. Minh Nguyens Forschung wird über fünf Jahre mit einer Summe von etwa 1,5 Millionen Euro gefördert. Sie ist die dritte Forschende der Universität Bielefeld, die einen der wichtigsten EU-Förderpreise erhält.

Pressemitteilung der Universität

Minh Nguyen has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for her social anthropological research on Eastern and Southern Asia at the Faculty of Sociology. These grants aim to promote excellent and promising young academics. Minh Nguyen’s research will receive a total of approximately 1.5 million euros funding over a period of five years. She is the third researcher at Bielefeld University to receive one of these major EU prizes to promote science.

Press release of the university

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