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[Erziehungswissenschaft] Aktuell - Tag [research]

10. (Re)Searching Diversity Podcast: Episode with Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick is online

Veröffentlicht am 26. September 2022

Zeynep Demir (Bielefeld University), Miriam Schwarzenthal (University of Wuppertal),  Sharleen Pevec & Tugce Aral (University of Potsdam) and Jana Vietze & Sabrina Alhanachi (Erasmus University Rotterdam)  host the academic podcast: as a community of six women in the social sciences they share a professional and personal interest in cultural diversity in education, development and research. The 4th guest of season 2 was Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick from Bielefeld University with the topic "Social Identity Theory // Diversity in German Academia"". You can listen to the episodes on:  Spotify ; Apple ; Google and find more information on the homepage.

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"Researching Schools: Bridging Research and Practice at Laboratory and University Schools“

Veröffentlicht am 7. September 2022
Am 8. und 9. September wird in den Räumlichkeiten von Laborschule und Oberstufen-Kolleg die Tagung "Researching Schools: Bridging Research and Practice at Laboratory and University Schools“ stattfinden. Bei dieser ersten europäischen Tagung für Labor-, Universitäts- und Versuchsschulen werden sich Schulpraktiker*innen und Forscher*innen aus vierzehn Ländern zu Fragen der Verbindung von Schulforschung und Schulpraxis austauschen. Mehr dazu in der Pressemitteilung.
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Third Episode of the (Re)Searching Diversity Podcast is online

Veröffentlicht am 29. September 2021
Zeynep Demir (Bielefeld University), Miriam Schwarzenthal & Sharleen Pevec & Tugce Aral (University of Potsdam) and Jana Vietze & Sabrina Alhanachi (Erasmus University Rotterdam) host the academic podcast: as a community of six women in the social sciences they share a professional and personal interest in cultural diversity in education, development and research. The guest of the third episode was Dr.Tendai Chitewere with the topic Proactive Inclusion and Environmental Justice. You can listen to the episodes on: Spotify ; Apple ; Google and find more information on the homepage.
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Second Episode of the (Re)Searching Diversity Podcast is online

Veröffentlicht am 18. Juli 2021

Zeynep Demir (Bielefeld University), Miriam Schwarzenthal & Sharleen Pevec & Tugce Aral (University of Potsdam) and Jana Vietze & Sabrina Alhanachi (Erasmus University Rotterdam)  host the academic podcast: as a community of six women in the social sciences they share a professional and personal interest in cultural diversity in education, development and research. The guest of the second episode was Dr. Yudit Namer with the topic „Immigration, Othering, and Health“.

You can listen to the episodes on:  Spotify ; Apple ; Google and find more information on the homepage.

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‘Routinely and Lovingly Scrutinizing Narratives’ Using PhotoVoice to Research Colonialism and Knowledge Production.*

Veröffentlicht am 8. August 2018


--------------------- English version below ------------------------------------


Nach der gelungenen Eröffnung im Uni Q geht die Ausstellung "Routinely and Lovingly Scrutinizing Narratives" in die Verlängerung und wird vom 23. Juli bis zum 24. August in den Fenstern der ehemaligen Buchhandlung Luce ausgestellt. Dort werden Forschungsarbeiten von Studierenden des Masterseminars "Decolonizing Educational Research" von Dr. Leila Angod gezeigt. Die enstandenen PhotoVoice Projekte werden im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "(Un)Möglichkeiten der Hochschulbildung" der Fachschaft Erziehungswissenschaft ausgestellt. Diese sollen einen Beitrag über koloniale Kontiuitäten in der Hochschule leisten. Weiterhin soll die Ausstellung einen Blick auf Bedingungen der studentischen Wissensproduktion als auch deren Würdigung und Anerkennung werfen.

Die Teilnehmenden des Seminars sowie die Fachschaft Erziehungswissenschaft freuen sich auf Euren/Ihren Besuch.



After the successful opening at the ‘Uni Q’ the exhibition ‘Routinely and Lovingly Scrutinizing Narratives’ is extended and will be displayed in the windows of the former bookstore Luce between the 23rd July and the 24th August. It shows research projects by Masters' students of the course ‘Decolonizing Educational Research’ by Dr. Leila Angod.
The students' PhotoVoice projects will be showcased within the series of events ‘(Im)Possibilities of Higher Education’ of the student council/Fachschaft Erziehungswissenschaft.
They should contribute the discourse of colonial consistencies at the university.
Furthermore, through the exhibition, we pursue the goal of taking a look at the conditions of student knowledge production as well as at their appreciation and recognition.

The participants of the course as well as the student council/ Fachschaft Erziehungswissenschaft are looking forward to your visit.

* The individual projects are the students way of enacting and and being in conversation with the key text that has been studied in this course: Decolonizing Educational Research by Leigh Patel (2016). The quote in the title of the exhibition, “routinely and lovingly scrutinizing narratives” (p. 89), is cited from Patel’s book. This description of a pathway for pursuing a decolonizing practice is one that resonated with the class.

“Photovoice is a technique by which the taking of photographs or videos – usually by people who are disadvantaged, ignored, and/or discriminated against – becomes a means of both self-expression and personal and intellectual growth. In addition, participants essentially function as participatory action researchers, documenting conditions and problems in ways that can be used for community assessment and as a spur to policy makers and other officials to institute community change” (Rabinowitz, https://ctb.ku.edu/…/assessing-community-ne…/photovoice/main)

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