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New Paper Publication in Research-Technology Management

Veröffentlicht am 17. Juli 2020
Kaiser I., Stummer C. (2020) How the traditional industrial manufacturer Miele established a new smart home division. Research-Technology Management, 63 (4), 29-34
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iTIME-Förderpreis zuerkannt

Veröffentlicht am 9. März 2020

Titel des Forschungsvorhabens:
The innovation effect of cooperating with a startup: Exploring consumers' innovation perception of incumbent firms

Forschergruppe: Prof. Nicola Bilstein, Melina Schleef, Prof. Christian Stummer 


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New Journal Publication in IJATM

Veröffentlicht am 25. Februar 2020

Souka M., Böger D., Decker R., Stummer C., Wiemann A. (2020) Is more automation always better? An empirical study of customers' willingness to use autonomous vehicle functions. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 20 (1), 1-24


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Vortrag von Prof. Shashi Matta am 28.01., 15-16, in U3-140

Veröffentlicht am 19. Dezember 2019

Title: The person brand effect and the role of product innovation: Consumers' stereotypes influence evaluations of persons and their products

Abstract: A series of field and laboratory experiments found that consumers' stereotypes influence perceptions of a person who creates a product (i.e., a person brand) as well as post-trial evaluations of the product. Consistent with schema congruity theory, consumers evaluated a product created by a person who was counter stereotypical on one dimension (e.g., gender but not ethnicity) more positively than the stereotypical creator's product. Consumers' cognitive resources during trial are a boundary condition on improved evaluations of a unidimensional deviate’s product. In contrast, consumers evaluated a product created by a person who was counter stereotypical on two dimensions (e.g., gender and ethnicity) most negatively. Product innovation moderated these effects such that an innovative product created by a bidimensional deviate was evaluated similar to that of the stereotypical creator's product. These findings have implications for branding, product innovation, schema congruity theory and stereotyping.

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Get insights from the CHIMSPAS 2019 conference - Video zur CHIMSPAS 2019 Konferenz

Veröffentlicht am 6. Dezember 2019

Das Video zur diesjährigen Konferenz CHIMSPAS ("Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services") ist nun verfügbar. Erhalten Sie hier Eindrücke in die erste Konferenz, die sich explizit mit dem Management intelligenter Produkte und Dienstleistungen befasst. Die Konferenz wurde vom iTIME und dort von Prof. Dr. Christian Stummer und J.-Prof. Dr. Nicola Bilstein organisiert.

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Vortrag von Prof. Tatushi Nishi (University of Osaka) am 21.11.2019, 16-17 Uhr, U3-140

Veröffentlicht am 13. November 2019

Title: Integration of Machine Learning and Optimization for Supply Chain Optimization

Abstract: We are trying to develop the AI techniques that can be explained by an automatic synthesis of decision-making models through the integration of machine learning and optimization. By constructing a feedback loop of machine learning and optimization, a closed-loop data-driven system that can improve the machine learning accuracy and significantly reduce the computational time required for optimization through machine learning methods even in a shortage of teaching data. From the viewpoint, our recent topics on dynamic multi-commodity network design problem, virtualization of supply chains, mass customization of product design and supply chain planning, inverse optimization for scheduling problems, imitative learning will be discussed.

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Vortrag von Prof. Schulte (TU Delft) am 16.10., 16-17 Uhr, in U3-140

Veröffentlicht am 16. September 2019

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Frederik Schulte (TU Delft)

Date: 16.10.2019
Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Room: FaKo Raum (U3-140)

Title: Platform Operations Research: Foundations and the Cases of Coup Scooter Sharing and Quicargo Collaborative Trucking

Abstract: Over the last decade, platforms have emerged in numerous industries and often transformed them, which poses new challenges for operations research. Platform providers mostly do not have immediate control over the physical resources to move people or goods. They often operate in a multi-sided market setting where it is crucial to design clear incentives to motivate a third-party to engage in an adhoc kind of collaboration. As a consequence, collaboration incentives become an integral part of decision support models for platform providers, and they need to be developed on an operational planning level to be applied in a dynamic way. Naturally, this involves a trade-off between the interests of platform provider, customers, and various transportation service providers. In this work, we investigate the real-word case of Coup scooter sharing and propose a dynamic pricing approach that engages users in fleet management operations such as charging and repositioning of vehicles. First results indicate that this approach effectively increases vehicle utilization and revenues. As a second real-world case, we look at the platform provider, Quicargo, who operates as an intermediary between shippers and carriers in a less-than-truckload (LTL) business. We introduce a planning model that minimizes the price this platform pays to its carriers and enforces collaboration incentives for carriers. We explore possible policies to be implemented by the platform and find that their business even remains profitable when the platform guarantees increased profit margins to their carriers as incentives.

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Erste CHIMSPAS Konferenz erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen

Veröffentlicht am 3. September 2019

Die erste internationale Konferenz "Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS)" fand vom 22. - 23. August 2019 an der Universität Bielefeld statt. Organisiert wurde die Konferenz vom iTIME (Co-Organisatoren: Juniorprofessorin Dr. Nicola Bilstein und Professor Dr. Christian Stummer).

Wir bedanken uns bei allen Teilnehmer*innen für die interessanten Vorträge, die angeregten Diskussionen und die konstruktive Atmosphäre. 

Darüber hinaus gratulieren wir Professor Dr. Claas Christian Germelmann und Jonas Föhr (beide Universität Bayreuth) zum Gewinn des Best Conference Paper Awards für ihr Projekt zum Thema " Alexa, who are you? Consumer trust in and mental representations of smart home technologies".


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Countdown zur ersten CHIMSPAS-Conference läuft!

Veröffentlicht am 21. August 2019

Am Donnerstag und Freitag (22./23. August 2019) findet erstmalig die internationale Konferenz zum Thema Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS) statt. Organisiert wird die Konferenz vom iTIME – Ko-Organisator*innen sind J.-Prof'in Nicola Bilstein und Prof. Christian Stummer.

Ein Interview mit den Organisatoren lesen Sie hier: https://50jahre.uni-bielefeld.de/2019/08/20/wie-smarte-produkte-unternehmen-herausfordern/

Alle Informationen zur Konferenz finden Sie über folgenden Link: chimspas-2019.de

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Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (TV-L E13, 66%)

Veröffentlicht am 19. Juli 2019

Die Stelle soll mit 01.11.2019 bereits besetzt sein; Ausschreibungsende ist daher bereits der 15.08.2019. Informationen zu den Aufgaben, dem gesuchten Profil und unserem Angebot finden Sie im Ausschreibungsportal der Universität Bielefeld unter:


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Vortrag zu "Data driven Business Intelligence: From Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics" (Prof. O.P. Vyas, Indian Institute of Information Technology)

Veröffentlicht am 29. Mai 2019

Speaker: Prof. O.P. Vyas, Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad-India 

Date: Wednesday 05.06.19 from 16:00 to 17:00
Place: FaKo Raum (U3-140)

Title: Data driven Business Intelligence: From Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics

Business Data analytics has gathered a lot of attention during the last years. Although descriptive and predictive analytics have become well-established areas, prescriptive analytics has just started to emerge with a different paradigm. Prescriptive analytics aims to prescribe decisions on the basis of the predictive analytics outcomes and involves an interdisciplinary approach with advances from Optimization and Decision Sciences.
Referred to as the "final frontier of analytic capabilities," prescriptive analytics suggests decision options to take advantage of the results of descriptive and predictive analytics.  Prescriptive Analytic approaches propose to help businesses make better decisions by factoring in knowledge of possible situations, available resources, past performances and current happening as well.
The Prescriptive Analytics assumes special significance as the huge amount of Businesses moving from traditional "brick and mortar" shops to Online Enterprises warranting to have recommendations in rather more prescriptive ways. The proposed talk aims at exploring the opportunity and challenges involved, owing to introduction of "optimization" in "Business Analytics" arena with the novel paradigm of Prescriptive Analytics.

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Bewerbung um kostenlose Teilnahme an CHIMSPAS-Konferenz (Bielefeld, 22.+23.8.)

Veröffentlicht am 22. Mai 2019

An der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften wird am 22.+23. August die International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS) stattfinden. Ausführliche Informationen bietet die Konferenz-Website. Wir bieten bis zu zehn Studierenden die Möglichkeit zur kostenlosen Teilnahme an der Konferenz. Informationen zur Bewerbung um einen dieser Plätze finden Sie hier.

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The program for CHIMSPAS is now online!

Veröffentlicht am 8. Mai 2019

The program for the conference on "Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services" (CHIMSPAS) is now available online.

The early bird rate ends on May 31st, 2019. 

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Vortrag zu "Multi agent simulation in transport science" von Prof. Flötteröd (VTI, Linköping)

Veröffentlicht am 23. April 2019

Der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Gunnar Flötteröd findet am 3.5.2019 um 14 Uhr c.t. in Raum W9-109 statt.

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Die Juniorprofessur für BWL, insb. Management von intelligenten Produkten sucht Verstärkung

Veröffentlicht am 28. März 2019

An der Juniorprofessur für BWL, insb. Management von intelligenten Produkten ist aktuell eine Stelle als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter zu besetzen. Alle Informationen finden Sie hier.

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