Racializing Humankind
Julian T. D. Gärtner and Malin S. Wilckens, both members of the BGHS, are very pleased to announce the publication of the edited vo...
:: Non-academic careers:: Reports about Practical Projects #5
“Reports about Practical Projects” are written by doctoral researchers who have designed and carri...
:: Non-academic careers::: Practitioners in Talk #Part 23
Many ways lead out of the BGHS. But where do postdoctoral paths lead? We talk to historians and sociol...
:: BGHS Year in Review 2021::
An eventful year is coming to an end and unfortunately we cannot say goodbye to it together with a winter party this time. Therefore, we wou...
A skull travelling on Linie 4
How did it actually come about that scientific theories about ‘races’ developed that legitimise everyday racism to this day? Mal...
"The Path to Doctorate"
For many years now, the BGHS has been supporting young international scholars who are faced with the question of whether or not they want ...
"Wild Guys" at Linie 4
What do sanatoriums and zoos have in common? Franz Kather explores this question in the public lecture series Linie 4, organised by ...
Bielefeld University services for doctoral researchers
Bielefeld University services for doctoral researchers
How do I write a dissertation? What options do I have if I want to go abroad? And can I take a German course?
Mentoring Programme “Non-university careers for humanists and social scientists”“
The BGHS fosters PhD researchersʼ individual career planning and awards, starting January...
Welcome Day Winter Semester 2021/22 :: 14 new doctoral researchers at the BGHS::
On Wednesday, 13 October, the BGHS Welcome Day for the winter semester 2021/22 to...
New start of “Linie 4”
In the winter semester, there will be a new start of the public lecture series "Linie 4", which the BGHS organises together with t...
:: Non-academic careers:: Reports about Practical Projects #4
“Reports about Practical Projects” are written by doctoral students who have designed and carri...
Obituary of Thomas Welskopp
BGHS mourns the passing of its long-time director Thomas Welskopp, who passed away on 19 August 2021. Thomas Welskopp was on the...
::Non-academic careers:: Practitioners in Talk – Part 22
Many ways lead out of the BGHS. But where do postdoctoral paths lead? We talk to historians and sociologis...