Linie 4: Solidarity Among Neighbours
Linie 4: Solidarity among neighbours
Organising neighbours, overcoming social isolation, building solidarity and fighting injustice together. Such issues are addressed by neighbourhood grassroots groups in Germany, which have recently tried to initiate lively politics from below in their neighbourhoods. Marie-Sophie Borchelt deals with the work of neighbourhood grassroots groups in the public lecture series Linie 4, organised by the BGHS together with the vhs Bielefeld. In her lecture ”Solidarity among neighbours - political action from below”, she explains what grassroots work in the neighbourhood actually is and how it works. First-hand information will be provided by an activist from a neighbourhood grassroots group who will report on how it is possible to motivate neighbours to take political action.
Marie-Sophie Borchelt has been working as a research associate in the Work Unit Politics and Society at Bielefeld University since 2019 and has been doing her doctorate at the BGHS since 2020 on the topic of “Raus aus der Subkultur – Rein in die Gesellschaft: Perspektiven zur Überwindung gesellschaftlicher Marginalität am Beispiel von Stadtteil(Basis)arbeit in außerparlamentarischen linken Kontexten in der Bundesrepublik”. She studied Gender Studies, German as a Foreign Language and German Studies as well as Spanish in Bielefeld.
The lecture will take place on Monday, 30 May 2022 at 6.15 pm in the Murnau-Saal at the vhs Bielefeld, Ravensberger Park 1. The event will be held in German
Here you can find information about Linie 4 and the lectures in the series.