Linie 4 : Making friends through sport
Simon Lütkewitte (Foto: Stefan Knauff) Sport is very popular among young people.
It offers opportunities to make new friends a...
Linie 4: History in the Lab Photo: Dr. Marina Böddeker Chat GPT, fake news and deep fakes: the internet is full
of questionable and unsafe "sources". The ability to ...
"Linie 4" - Of pupils’ labs and friendship networks of young people
"Linie 4" - Of pupils' labs and friendship networks of young people
In May and
June 2024, the public lecture series " Linie
4 - News from social science and histo...
Linie 4: What is behind a 'clan'? Stella Nüschen (Foto: Private)
'clan crime' is on everyone's lips. But what is a ‘clan’ actually all about?
Sociologist St...
Linie 4: Coffee and colonialism Title page of the journal "Der deutsche Kulturpionier. Zeitschrift
der Deutschen Kolonialschule Wilhelmshof ", 1922, Vol. 22 No. 3 ...