Good News
Just in time for the summer break, there is good news to report from the BGHS.
Firstly, we have succeeded in extending the position of our coordinator for internationalisation, Clara Buitrago, by one year. Clara will therefore remain with us until the end of June 2024. We are very happy about that!
Secondly, we were able to recruit three new doctoral researchers for the BGHS positions advertised in the spring. Exciting doctoral projects await us in the Faculty of Sociology, which offer excellent opportunities to connect with historical studies.
And thirdly, we were successful with our application to the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme, which is not affected by the austerity measures currently being discussed. At the end of August, we will be able to announce two DAAD doctoral scholarships for international candidates, especially from developing and emerging countries (scholarships will begin in October 2023).
And then we are particularly happy with our BGHS members who were able to complete their doctorates this year:
Lasse Bjoern Lassen (History): The “Castro Doctrine”: Cuban Diplomacy in Global Solidarity Organizations 1959-1967. Propagating Democracy of the Marginalized and Defending National Sovereignty in a Hostile World (10.01.2022)
Georg Kessler (Sociology): Kriminalität im jungen Erwachsenenalter - Bedeutung für kriminologische Theoriebildung und Methodologie (09.02.2022)
Laura Lükemann (Sociology): Gender inequalities in German work organizations: differences in claims-making for career progress and working time adjustment (14.02.2022)
Torben Möbius (History): Das Management ständigen Wandels: konkurrenzförmige Vergleichspraktiken der deutschen und der US-amerikanischen Eisen- und Stahlindustrie (1870–1940) (16.02.2022)
Jan-Holm Sussieck (Sociology): Populismus. Die Zuschreibung illegitimer Volksorientierung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (03.03.2022)
Isabell Diekmann (Sociology): Good Muslims, bad Islam? Zur differenzierten Betrachtung feindlicher Einstellungen gegenüber Menschen und Religion (14.03.2022)
Eileen Peters (Sociology): Relational inequalities at work: How are social inequalities between cate-gorically different groups (re-) produces in local workplace contexts? (15.03.2022)
Ayomide Kolawole (Sociology): The Ideas and Politics of Universal Social Pensions in the Global South: A Comparative Analysis (07.04.2022)
Katrin Weible (Sociology): Social citizenship for “the poor”? Large N data construction, conceptualization, and comparative analysis of social cash transfers across the global South (04.05.2022)
Karsten Pieper (Sociology): Publikumsbeobachtung im digitalen Wandel. Massen und Verdatung am Beispiel publizistischer Printmedien (11.05.2022)
Paul-Matthias Tyrell (History): „Only a stream between…“ Lokale Strategien im Umgang mit der „Filterfunktion“ der Grenze am Detroit River in den 1920er Jahren (01.06.2022)
Bastian Bredenkötter (Sociology): Mobile Manager als Boundary Spanner. Eine Untersuchung der Grenzstellenarbeit in multinationalen Unternehmen (21.06.2022)
Marcus B. Carrier (History): Der Wert von Methoden - Methodenwahl in der forensischen Toxikologie des 19. Jahrhunderts im deutsch-französischen Vergleich (21.07.2022)
Lili Zhu (History): Deutsch-chinesischer Waffenhandel (1922-1941). Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte (06.07.2022)
Jan Handelmann (Sociology): (Zwischen) Wissen und Nichtwissen: Vorstellungen von Fachleitungen zur Professionalität sozialwissenschaftlicher Lehrkräfte (07.07.2022)
Johannes Nagel (History): U.S. Military Reform and the Observation of the World, 1865–1905 (18.07.2022)
We congratulate them and wish them every success in the future!
Last but not least, a note on our own behalf: From 8 to 28 August, the BGHS office will be on summer break. We will not be available then. Urgent matters should therefore be dealt with immediately!