The article "The Texas Shoot-Out under Knightian Uncertainty" by Gerrit Bauch and Frank Riedel has been accepted for publication in Games and Economic Behavior .
The paper "Parental networks, wage expectations, and the intergenerational educational mobility" by Anna Zaharieva has been published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organiza...
Announcement of Workshop 'Risk measures and uncertainty in insurance'
We are happy to announce the workshop 'Risk measures and uncertainty in insurance'. The program, the abstracts and further information can be found here .
Today, March 7, 2024, Jodi Dianetti gives a talk titled Optimal consumption and investment under relative performance criteria with Epstein-Zin utility at the Economics Departmen...
Today, March 6, 2024, Jodi Dianetti gives a talk titled Strong solutions to submodular mean field games with common noise and related McKean-Vlasov FBSDEs at the Mathematics Depa...