» Published on
19. Juni 2015
Carrying a Table Together with a Robot
In the EU joint project CogIMon, robots are learning to observe, adjust their force, and react
a robot’s perspective, humans are normally a nuisance: when robots and
humans have to work together, it often leads to problems. Researchers on
CogIMon, a new project starting at Bielefeld University, want to teach
robots how to interact with humans and work together to accomplish
tasks. CogIMon stands for “cognitive compliant interaction in motion.”
This research group is working on humanoid as well as industrial robots.
The project is coordinated by Professor Dr. Jochen Steil of CoR-Lab,
the research institution on cognition and robotics at Bielefeld
University. Together with six other international partners, the joint
project will run from 2015–2018 and is funded with 7 million Euros from
Horizon 2020, a framework programme for research and innovation of the
European Union.
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