» Published on
11. Juni 2014
The difference between robot girls and boys
Social informatics researcher Selma Šabanović takes up the Visiting Professorship for Gender Studies at Bielefeld University
are robots assigned a male or female gender? Do men and women think
about or interact differently with robots? How do our social notions and
lived experiences of gender influence the design and use of social
robots? Social informatics and human-robot interaction researcher Selma
Šabanović PhD from Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, investigates
questions such as these. From mid-June she will take up the post of
Visiting Professor for Gender Studies at Bielefeld University. Šabanović
will be giving lectures in the current summer semester and discussing
research on gender, culture, and robotics in seminars at the Faculty of
Technology and in the Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction
Technology CITEC.
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