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IKG Blog
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25. November 2022
New Working-Paper "Transnational conflicts, belongings, and social interactions"
The TransMIGZ-Project (Transnational Influences, Migrant Identities, and Social Cohesion) has published a new working-paper entitled "Transnational conflicts, belongings, and social interactions"!
The report is based on a collection of up-to-date information and insights from experts focusing on Turkish migration to Europe/Germany and resulted from an online panel that took place 1 December 2021 as part of the IKG 25th year Conference.
You can read the working-paper here.
The report is based on a collection of up-to-date information and insights from experts focusing on Turkish migration to Europe/Germany and resulted from an online panel that took place 1 December 2021 as part of the IKG 25th year Conference.
You can read the working-paper here.