Universal Design of Learning explained simply

Published on 7. September 2022
The SHUFFLE project created an accessible explanatory video (in German) on the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The UDL concept was developed in the USA and shows what needs to be considered when designing teaching and learning materials for the diversity of all learners. To this end, it names three principles consisting of several sub-points that contain tips for implementation.

The explanatory video on UDL answers the following questions:

Where does the concept come from?

What is the UDL concept used for?

What do the individual rows and columns in the UDL table mean?

Just like the SHUFFLE project, the UDL concept takes into account the needs of all learners right from the start when designing teaching, in order to minimise any individual adjustments that may be necessary later on. In this way, it makes a valuable contribution to the barrier-free design of digital teaching.