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IKG Blog
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19. September 2022
Two new publications from PD Dr. Anna-Lisa Müller
We are happy to announce two new publications from PD Dr. Anna-Lisa Müller (IKG)!
The first publication is a joined paper with Leonie Tuitjer (Hannover) and Gesine Tuitjer (Braunschweig) on the role of social infrastructures, consumption and neighbourhood-based solidarity during the pandemic with the title "Buycotting to save the neighbourhood? Exploring the altered meaning of social infrastructures of consumption during the Covid-19 crisis in Linden, Hannover, Germany". It is published in Social & Cultural Geography online.
The second publication is a chapter in German about the interrelation of migration biographies and spaces with the title "Räume, Zeiten, Orte: Migrationsbiographien und Raumkonstitutionen", published in the edited volume "Biographie und Raum", edited by Johannes Becker, Gunter Weidenhaus and Nicole Witte and published with Universitätsverlag Göttingen.
Here for the first paper.
Here for the second publication. You can download the whole book as well as the chapter by PD Dr. Anna-Lisa Müller.
The first publication is a joined paper with Leonie Tuitjer (Hannover) and Gesine Tuitjer (Braunschweig) on the role of social infrastructures, consumption and neighbourhood-based solidarity during the pandemic with the title "Buycotting to save the neighbourhood? Exploring the altered meaning of social infrastructures of consumption during the Covid-19 crisis in Linden, Hannover, Germany". It is published in Social & Cultural Geography online.
The second publication is a chapter in German about the interrelation of migration biographies and spaces with the title "Räume, Zeiten, Orte: Migrationsbiographien und Raumkonstitutionen", published in the edited volume "Biographie und Raum", edited by Johannes Becker, Gunter Weidenhaus and Nicole Witte and published with Universitätsverlag Göttingen.
Here for the first paper.
Here for the second publication. You can download the whole book as well as the chapter by PD Dr. Anna-Lisa Müller.