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20. Dezember 2022
New Publication by Dr. Anna-Lisa Müller
The atricle "Nutzungsvielfalt von öffentlichen Räumen in Migrationsgesellschaften. Eine Annäherung an geeignete Methoden ihrer empirischen Untersuchung" shows how different ways of using public space can be examined empirically. The focus is on the special situation in migration societies and on the question of suitable methods for (collaborating) work with people who have a different cultural and linguistic background than the majority society and as the researchers. The discussion of the methods is theoretically embedded in concepts of the migration society and its relationship to the built and designed environment and especially: the city. Selected qualitative methods for researching diversity of use are presented with a special focus on the use of visual methods and discussed with regard to their applicability. With the presentation of the Virtual Urban Walk 3D as a method based on new technologies, the article aims to formulate a set of methods with which the diverse forms of use of public space in migration societies can be empirically examined.
You can find the article here.
You can find the article here.