© Universität Bielefeld
IKG Blog
Veröffentlicht am
25. Oktober 2018
Erfolgreich absolvierte Promotionen!
Das IKG fühlt sich geehrt, dass Madlen Preuß erfolgreich ihre Promotion
an der Fakultät für Soziologie absolviert hat (Gutachter:
Zick/Reinecke). Die Promotionsschrift trägt den Titel: Das Konzept der
Etablierten-Außenseiter-Beziehung: Seine quantitativ-empirische
Messbar-machung am Beispiel der deutschen Migrationsgesellschaft.
Ebenso hat der assoziierte Wissenschaftler Michael Müller (FH Koblenz)
erfolgreich an der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft promoviert
(Gutachter: Zick/Bohner). Seine Schrift trägt den Titel: Antisemitismus
im Kontext von Konformität: Eine quantitative-empirische Prüfung der
Zusammenhänge von autoritären Einstellungen, sozialen Normen, der
Umwegkommunikation und antisemitischen Vorurteilen in Deutschland.
IKG feels honored that Madlen Preuß successfully completed her doctorate at the Faculty of Sociology (reviewer: Zick/Reinecke). The doctorate is entitled: The Concept of the Established-Outsider Relationship: Its Quantitative-Empirical Measurement Using the Example of the German Migration Society. The associated scientist Michael Müller (FH Koblenz) also successfully completed his doctorate at the Faculty of Education (expert: Zick/Bohner). His paper is entitled: Antisemitism in the Context of Conformity: A Quantitative Empirical Examination of the Relationships between Authoritarian Attitudes, Social Norms, Detour Communication and Anti-Semitic Prejudices in Germany.
IKG feels honored that Madlen Preuß successfully completed her doctorate at the Faculty of Sociology (reviewer: Zick/Reinecke). The doctorate is entitled: The Concept of the Established-Outsider Relationship: Its Quantitative-Empirical Measurement Using the Example of the German Migration Society. The associated scientist Michael Müller (FH Koblenz) also successfully completed his doctorate at the Faculty of Education (expert: Zick/Bohner). His paper is entitled: Antisemitism in the Context of Conformity: A Quantitative Empirical Examination of the Relationships between Authoritarian Attitudes, Social Norms, Detour Communication and Anti-Semitic Prejudices in Germany.