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18. Juli 2022
Andreas Zick received Life-Time "Nevitt Sanford Award" of the International Society for Political Psychology
16.7.2022. Andreas Zick hat in Athen den Life-Time "Nevitt Sanford Award" der International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) für seine Forschungen und Initiativen zur Entwicklung der politischen Psychologie erhalten. Die ISPP ist eine interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftsorganisation, die sich interdisziplinär mit der Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen psychologischen und politischen Prozessen und Phänomenen befasst. Die Mitglieder kommen aus der Psychologie, Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft,Geschichtswissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Anthropologie und vielen nderen Disziplinen. Die Gesellschaft ist international und hat Mitglieder aus allen Regionen der Welt: Amerika, Europa, Asien, dem Nahen Osten und Afrika. Sie hat über 1.000 Mitglieder.
July 16th, 2022. In Athens, Andreas Zick received the Life-Time "Nevitt Sanford Award" of the International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) for his research and initiatives for the development of political psychology. ISPP is an interdisciplinary scientific organisation concerned with the study of the relationship between psychological and political processes and phenomena. Members come from psychology, sociology, political science, history, economics, anthropology and many other disciplines. The society is international and has members from all regions of the world: America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. It has over 1,000 members.
July 16th, 2022. In Athens, Andreas Zick received the Life-Time "Nevitt Sanford Award" of the International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP) for his research and initiatives for the development of political psychology. ISPP is an interdisciplinary scientific organisation concerned with the study of the relationship between psychological and political processes and phenomena. Members come from psychology, sociology, political science, history, economics, anthropology and many other disciplines. The society is international and has members from all regions of the world: America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. It has over 1,000 members.