© Universität Bielefeld


Reports about Practical Projects #5

Veröffentlicht am 17. January 2022

:: Non-academic careers::

Reports about Practical Projects #5

“Reports about Practical Projects” are written by doctoral researchers who have designed and carried out a practical project in cooperation with a non-university organization. The BGHS has been supporting these projects with scholarships since 2020. In the fifth part of the series, Henning Middelschulte reports on his practical project with the foundation “barrierefrei kommunizieren!”.

Impairments of socio-emotional development are one of the most frequently diagnosed categories of special needs-education in Germany today. At the same time, the development of digital media for social-emotional learning is gaining traction in research as well as applied contexts. For example, US researchers have succeeded in increasing the empathy of young people with the help of a 3D application.

In order to find out more about how educational professionals assess potentials and limits of digital media to foster social-emotional competences, I held six expert interviews with representatives of education’s most important trade unions, professional associations and selected support groups. The interviews were conducted between April and June 2021 in cooperation with the foundation “barrierefrei kommunizieren!”, Berlin. Our interviews yield several results: Brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a change of perspective – the focus has moved from the limits and to the potential of digital media for developing social-emotional skills. Most outspoken in their endorsement of this untapped potential were the self-organized support associations of people with disabilities. However, none of the participating organizations had developed formal policy positions or demands for the use of digital media in this area at the time of the interviews. Read more about these and other results this Praxisprojekt in the officialproject report.

You can visit the „barrierefrei kommunizieren!“ by clicking on the following (Link)

Further information about the Non-University Careers Project can be found on the BGHS website: (Link).

Gesendet von NMartins in Allgemein

Practitioners in Talk #Part 23

Veröffentlicht am 9. January 2022

:: Non-academic careers:::

Practitioners in Talk #Part 23

Many ways lead out of the BGHS. But where do postdoctoral paths lead? We talk to historians and sociologists who have taken up their career outside the university. Rainer Volk spoke to us about his work as Radio editor at Südwestrundfunk (SWR) in Baden-Baden.

Image 1: Rainer Volk

Mr. Volk, you did your PhD in political sciences and you are currently working as radio editor. If you remember starting your career: How did you find your way into the job?

Rainer Volk: Starting in 1982, I studied journalism at the Ludwig Maximilians University and the German School of Journalism in Munich. During the semester break we had to do internships: in newspapers, in radio stations and in TV stations. So in 1986 I joined the “Zeitfunk” and “Politics” editorial offices of Bayerischer Rundfunk. That was before my diploma, when I worked there for six weeks in one and then six weeks in the other. At the end of this time I was asked whether I would like to start working as a freelancer. I had earned money as a reporter for a newspaper in previous years. But the Bayerischer Rundfunk paid better. So I slipped into it in 1986, although until then I actually always wanted to go to the newspaper. I got my diploma a year later, and did my doctorate part-time only in 1990.

How did you come to your current position?

Rainer Volk: I live with my family near Baden-Baden and have commuted between Baden-Baden and Munich for a long time. In 2013 – I was already 52 years old – I got a call from Baden-Baden: Wouldn’t you like to join us at Südwestrundfunk? I gave up my permanent position at Bayerischer Rundfunk on a trial basis for two years and signed a two-year contract with Südwestrundfunk as a permanent freelancer. A few years later I quit my job at Bayerischer Rundfunk and am now a permanent freelancer at Südwestrundfunk until I retire.

Image 2: Rainer Volk (right) with Heinz Bude, on the occasion of the recording of a broadcast in the SWR studios.

You work for Südwestrundfunk (SWR). Where do you work now exactly?

Rainer Volk: In the “Aktuelle Kultur” editorial team at SWR in Baden-Baden. I am primarily active as the “boss on duty”. Occasionally I moderate and I also write comments or contributions as a reporter. Actually, for example, I would now go to the Book Fair in Frankfurt because I’m responsible for political non-fiction books in our editorial team.

What are your most important tasks in this job?

Rainer Volk: I make sure that the programme “SWR2 am Morgen”, which runs Monday to Saturday and lasts two and a half hours, shows that it is up to date: What is current and important on this day? My first task is to make these current topics appear in the programme. Second, my job is to acquire and maintain contacts in the expert world. Because every morning we have two to three conversations with experts from the academic world on the show. Thirdly, as the boss on duty, it is my job to keep track for the lunchtime and evening programmes and to draw the attention of my colleagues on these programs to current developments and new topics. For this purpose, I use, for example, an internal ARD database, in which correspondents from all over the world offer their contributions. Reading news agency reports is also part of it. I actually read what the news agencies are offering 24 hours a day.

What tips do you have for colleagues from sociology or history who are interested in a career in the occupational field you are in?

Rainer Volk: If you are interested in journalism after a certain period in the academic world, I would first try to publish your own specialist topics on platforms such as H-Soz-Kult or in non-scientific journals. Reviews of sociological or historical literature in the feature section of a daily newspaper could then be the next step towards approaching general journalism. Nobody starts as a commentator in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on page four.

Mr. Volk, thank you for the conversation!

The interview was conducted by Ulf Ortmann.

You can find the complete interview (in German) here:

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Further information on the non-university careers project is available (here). The previous interviews in the series are available (here).

Gesendet von NMartins in Allgemein


« January 2022 »