© Universität Bielefeld


UniWiND-Workshop at the BGHS

Veröffentlicht am 29. September 2015

From 29 to 30 september 2015 the BGHS is host of a UniWiND-workshop to the topic:

"Now we talk! Communication skills for advices and services in intercultural contexts

For further information about the workshop and programme see: www.uniwind.org/weiterbildung

UniWiND is an association for the qualification of young scientists in Germany. It is a network of currently 44 universities who have made qualification of young scientists a central task of higher education. For further information, please see www.uniwind.org


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BGHS Art&Science-Project

Veröffentlicht am 28. September 2015

The BGHS invites all doctoral researchers to take part in the second part of our Art&Science cooperation with the Department of Arts and Design at FH Bielefeld:

Visualise Research/Researchers. Illustrations and Drawings.

Bachelor- and Master-Students from the arts department are supposed to visualise research projects and researchers at the BGHS as a part of their illustration and drawing class by Prof. Nils Hoff.

We cordially invite you to join the project and come in contact with young artists, who will illustrate your dissertation project and you as a researcher at the BGHS. As a result of the cooperation you will get an illustration of your project which you can use for your own purpose (in consultation with the artists :).

Furthermore, a presentation of the illustrations and drawings in an exhibition and a catalogue is planned for Spring 2016 at the BGHS.

The project is a great opportunity for you to tell people more about yourself and your research project - not only with words or texts but in amazing illustrations and drawings in magnificent quality. Up to 15 doctoral researchers can join the project.

Please register until 5 October 2015 by sending an E-Mail to: bghs(at)uni-bielefeld.de

For further information please see:


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InterDisciplines: Issue 1/2015 online

Veröffentlicht am 21. September 2015

The new issue of our e-Journal InterDisciplines (Vol 6, No 1 (2015)), entitled Work in a Globalizing World: Gender, Mobility, Markets is available online. The guest editors of the current issue are Ursula Mense-Petermann, Sabine Schäfer and Thomas Welskopp (Bielefeld University).

In continuation of the topic of the 5th Annual Seminar of the BGHS »Work in a Globalizing World: Gender, Mobility, Markets« an issue with five articles was edited, that illuminates different aspects of the topic »work« in globalized contexts. Global market forces are just as much discussed as aspects of gender in a globalized world of work and issues of global mobility.

Table of Contents

  • Editorial
    Ursula Mense-Petermann, Sabine Schäfer, Thomas Welskopp


On this issue’s cover photo

Andrea Diefenbach: Land ohne Eltern (Country without Parents)

The cover photo of the current InterDisciplines is one of a series within the photographic project entitled »Land ohne Eltern« (Country without Parents) by the German photographer Andrea Diefenbach. Andrea Diefenbach’s project describes the life choices faced by migrant workers from the Republic of Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. In her photographs, the distance between the completely divergent worlds of the children, left at home, and the parents, working in far-off lands, becomes almost painfully tangible.

Andrea Diefenbach (born 1974) is a German photographer who works on independent long-term projects and freelances for national and international magazines. Her second book, »Land ohne Eltern« (Country without parents), was published in 2012, won different prizes and received honorable mentions. For further information see: www.andreadiefenbach.com

InterDisciplines: Aims & Scope

Interdisciplines - Journal of History and Sociology of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS) is dedicated to work at the interface between history and the social sciences and to research that discusses their relationship. The journal’s aim is to identify differences as well as the relation and interconnections between the two disciplines, with a focus on areas where they can complement each other with respect to specific research problems.

InterDisciplines addresses first and foremost historians and sociologists but also aims to appeal to a wider audience of interested scientists, doctoral researchers and students who are committed to interdisciplinary debate and exchange.

InterDisciplines publishes historical case studies that discuss theoretical issues from the humanities, and the social and cultural sciences. It presents survey articles on the whole range of historical and sociological research and programmatic texts on basic questions on the interdisciplinary cooperation between history and sociology.

InterDisciplines appears generally twice a year, addresses an international audience and is published in English. The e-Journal is available online free of charge in order both to offer easy access to its readers and to open to its authors a wider readership. All submissions are blind refereed, generally by two peers.

InterDisciplines is edited by the directors of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Thomas Welskopp and Ursula Mense-Petermann, as well as its founding director Jörg Bergmann, furthermore by Peter Jelavich, Professor at the Department of History at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore and Kathleen Thelen, Ford Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge. Managing editor of the InterDisciplines is Thomas Abel, editorial assistant is Jennifer Hahn.

Further Information

For detailed information about the current issue of InterDisciplines and its articles, the series »Land ohne Eltern«, about previous issues of the InterDisciplines since 2010 and the BGHS, please visit:



InterDisciplines – Journal of History and Sociology
c/o Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS)
Bielefeld University
PO Box 100131
D - 33501 Bielefeld


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« September 2015 »