Successful start of the 1st ZAB - Forum Accessibility with Raúl Krauthausen

In a fully occupied lecture hall, Rector Prof. Dr. Gerhard Sagerer opened the first ZAB - Forum Accessibility on the occasion of today's protest day for the equality of people with disabilities. Under the motto "Shaping the future without barriers", the event was also implemented as barrier-free as possible - a novelty at our university.
In addition to written and sign language interpretation, the event was also broadcast as an internet live stream to enable people with e.g. mobility disabilities or care tasks to participate. Written and sign language interpreters could naturally also be followed by the audience on the screen.
Raúl Krauthausen read from his new book "Wer Inklusion will, findet einen Weg. Wer sie nicht will, findet Ausreden (Those who want inclusion will find a way. Those who don't want it will find excuses)". He highlighted aspects of structural as well as latent exclusion mechanisms and supplemented them with his own experiences and current experiences from his work as an activist. With questions from the audience to Raúl Krauthausen and the possibility to get a book signed, a very successful event came to an end.