© Universität Bielefeld
Published on
3. May 2023
Representatives of the severely disabled visit the ZAB
Confidential representatives of the disabled representatives of the universities of Darmstadt and Fulda as well as the main disabled representative of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art and the representative for students with disabilities of the University of Darmstadt visited the Accessible Services. Various topics on working and studying with disabilities were the focus of the exchange.
In addition to information on the organisation and structures of the ZAB and SBV, there was extensive discussion on how accessibility at universities can be improved. The accessible navigation app UniMaps, which was developed in Bielefeld, therefore also attracted great interest. Functionality and operation were presented and questions about map creation and location in buildings were discussed. The thematic exchange was very successful overall and is to be continued in the future.

Udo Mücke, Dustin Matzel, Jutta Bautz, Michael Johannfunke, Julian Weikard, Andreas Wolfsgruber, Andreas Beck, Isabell Schader