Report about DACHS on Deutschlandfunk Campus & Career

Published on 22. March 2023
Currently, Deutschlandfunk Campus & Karriere reports in a radio report about the approved DACHS project of the Central Accessibility Contact Point. 

The report first introduces Jonas Schlingmann, a blind student, who presents the advantages of barrier-free documents in teaching in an interview. Schlingmann, who is studying law, emphasizes that accessible documents are of great importance to him, especially in his studies, because they enable him to participate fully in teaching. For him, accessibility means not only that the documents are in a format that is readable for him, but also that they have been created barrier-free by teachers from the start, for example with the right headings and descriptions for images and graphics. This means he no longer has to resort to additional assistance if documents are precisely not accessible.

The head of the Central Accessibility Office at Bielefeld University, Michael Johannfunke, emphasizes that DACHS should make it possible to further improve accessibility in teaching and give students with disabilities the same opportunities and possibilities as students without disabilities. 

Overall, the article by Nicolas Treppner from Deutschlandfunk's Campus & Karriere presents the direction of the DACHS project well and makes it very clear why the DACHS project is a necessary approach to achieving digital accessibility in teaching. After all, students with disabilities can only study on an equal footing if they are given the same opportunities and possibilities as students without disabilities.