» Veröffentlicht am
3. May 2019
How the Brain Integrates Sensory Input
Bielefeld researchers publish study on the flexibility of sensory perception
sight, touch – our brain captures a wide range of distinct sensory
stimuli and links them together. The brain has a kind of built-in filter
function for this: sensory impressions are only integrated if it is
necessary and useful for the task at hand. Researchers from Bielefeld
University, Oxford University (Great Britain), and Aix-Marseille
University (France) investigated this phenomenon of flexibility in
perception, and have now published a study on their findings that
appears in the scientific journal “Neuron” (29 April 2019). In their
publication, the researchers reveal where sensory stimuli are integrated
in the brain, and in which area of the brain this flexibility can be
located. From Bielefeld University, Professor Dr. Christoph Kayser and
Dr. Hame Park from the Cluster of Excellence CITEC were involved in the

Prof. Dr. Christoph Kayser. Photo: CITEC/ Universität Bielefeld