Abt. Geschichtswissenschaft
Conference: Change. Momentum of its own in pre-modern Latin America
On October 19-20th, 2023, the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology with the Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS), will organize a conference on "Change. Momentum of its own in pre-modern Latin America". With this we would like to explore two theses:
- First, we assume that pre-modern socities share common structural elements that continued to represent drivers of change. To capture this, we adapt the theoretical concept of 'momentum of its own' ('Eigendynamik') or 'inherent dynamism' for our period of investigation.
- Second, we postulate that such a momentum was inherent in many pre-modern socities. In this way, we question the wide-spread and politically relevant view that, in the pre-modern period, there were fundamental differences in the aiffinity for change in one region of the world or another.
Further on, we would like to stimulate research towards a change of perspective: It is less a development converging over centuries culminating in the present that emerges then. Rather in pre-modern socities similar impulses for chang eseem to be detectable, which first of all further shaped the structres of these socities themselves.
Updated detailed program will be published soon, so stayed tuned.
The program is also published under: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/einrichtungen/cias/veranstaltungen/Flyer_Change_04_2023_08_23-[2150].pdf
Guests are very welcome, for mandatory registration please contact: premodern-momentum@uni-bielefeld.de
If you want to participate via Zoom, use the following login details:
Meeting-ID: 630 8531 2136
Password: 058441
Conference on 19-20th October 2023 at University Bielefeld, room X-A2-103.
Organizers: Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Eleonora Rohland and Andreas Rüther