© Universität Bielefeld
Published on
18. November 2014
Visiting migration researcher from Princeton
Alejandro Portes: The Niklas-Luhmann Visiting Professor for 2014
Professor Alejandro Portes, a migration researcher at Princeton University in the United States, is Bielefeld University’s Niklas-Luhmann Visiting Professor for 2014. On Wednesday 19 November, he will give a public lecture in English on ‘Immigration, Transnationalism, and Development: The State of the Question’. The programme will begin at 18.15 in Lecture hall X-E0-001 in Building X. Entrance is free.
How are national borders changing in significance? Which social and cultural processes are triggered by immigration and emigration? How does migration contribute to the economic development of the countries of origin? If you are interested in these questions, you can hear the answers of an expert this evening.
Alejandro Portes, who was born in Cuba in 1944, is an expert in the field of international migration and integration. He is himself an immigrant and a citizen of the United States since 1968. Portes has been a guest at Bielefeld University since October and he will be staying until the beginning of December. He is teaching a graduate and master seminar for, among others, the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS).
Every year in the framework of the Niklas-Luhmann Visiting Professorship, the Faculty of Sociology and the Rektorat invite internationally renowned social scientists to come and stay at Bielefeld University for a period of several months. This should give not only students but also the interested general public an opportunity to get to know decisive and innovative theories at first hand. The professorship was founded in honour of the sociologist Niklas Luhmann, one of the greatest 20th-century sociologists in the world and one of the first professors at Bielefeld University where he taught and did research from 1968 until his retirement. Portes is already the eighth Niklas-Luhmann Visiting Professor.
Public lecture:
Wednesday, 19 November, 18.15
Lecture hall X-E0-001, Building X
Universitätsstraße 24
33615 Bielefeld
Further information is available online at:
Dr. Markus Göbel, Bielefeld University
Faculty of Sociology
Telephone: 0521 106-3813
E-Mail: markus.goebel@uni-bielefeld.de
Professor Alejandro Portes, a migration researcher at Princeton University in the United States, is Bielefeld University’s Niklas-Luhmann Visiting Professor for 2014. On Wednesday 19 November, he will give a public lecture in English on ‘Immigration, Transnationalism, and Development: The State of the Question’. The programme will begin at 18.15 in Lecture hall X-E0-001 in Building X. Entrance is free.
Professor Alejandro Portes will carry on staying at Bielefeld University until December. Photo: Denise Applewhite, Princeton University
Alejandro Portes, who was born in Cuba in 1944, is an expert in the field of international migration and integration. He is himself an immigrant and a citizen of the United States since 1968. Portes has been a guest at Bielefeld University since October and he will be staying until the beginning of December. He is teaching a graduate and master seminar for, among others, the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS).
Every year in the framework of the Niklas-Luhmann Visiting Professorship, the Faculty of Sociology and the Rektorat invite internationally renowned social scientists to come and stay at Bielefeld University for a period of several months. This should give not only students but also the interested general public an opportunity to get to know decisive and innovative theories at first hand. The professorship was founded in honour of the sociologist Niklas Luhmann, one of the greatest 20th-century sociologists in the world and one of the first professors at Bielefeld University where he taught and did research from 1968 until his retirement. Portes is already the eighth Niklas-Luhmann Visiting Professor.
Public lecture:
Wednesday, 19 November, 18.15
Lecture hall X-E0-001, Building X
Universitätsstraße 24
33615 Bielefeld
Further information is available online at:
Dr. Markus Göbel, Bielefeld University
Faculty of Sociology
Telephone: 0521 106-3813
E-Mail: markus.goebel@uni-bielefeld.de