Stochastic Dynamics in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering
Convenors: Barbara Gentz (Bielefeld), Max-Olivier Hongler (Lausanne) and Peter Reimann (Bielefeld)
Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) of Bielefeld University November 2 until 4
Stochastic dynamics has become increasingly important in many areas of science and technology. It is an indispensable mathematical tool in the modeling of uncertainty in many biological, physical and chemical systems and in engineering applications.
The objective of the workshop is to bring together experts from Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering with complementary views and approaches to stochastic dynamics concepts and methods. The planned interdisciplinary attendance to the proposed meeting offers a truly exceptional opportunity to meet each other and share views, explore new ideas, gather information and to trigger future collaborations around the theme Stochastic Dynamics. Among the major themes to be discussed, we list: random dynamics, dynamical systems, statistical physics in and out of equilibrium, synchronization, adaptive dynamics, biological and other networks, and complex systems at large.
The conference is supported by the European Science Foundation (ESF).
Further information see:
Questions regarding scientific content and contributions should be directed to:
Prof. Dr. Barbara Gentz
phone +49 (0) 521 106-4788
mail: gentz@math.uni-bielefeld.de
Please direct questions concerning the organization of the workshop to:
Marina Hoffmann at the ZiF conference office,
phone +49 (0) 521 106 2768;
mail: marina.hoffmann@uni-bielefeld.de