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Aktuelles aus Theologie und Religionsforschung
Veröffentlicht am
4. April 2017
Religion and sustainablitiy
A new CIRRuS Working Paper (No. 9 ) by Jens Köhrsen treats problems on the brink of religion and ecoloy.
A bourgeoning academic debate is tackling the role of religion in sustainability transitions (STs), namely, the ecology and religion debate (ERD). However, ERD lacks a social theory that conceptualizes potential roles of religion in STs in the context of non-religious social spheres. Based on social differentiation theory, this article develops such a theoretical approach. The approach orders existing insights on religion in STs and suggests potential avenues of research. Download (PDF)
A bourgeoning academic debate is tackling the role of religion in sustainability transitions (STs), namely, the ecology and religion debate (ERD). However, ERD lacks a social theory that conceptualizes potential roles of religion in STs in the context of non-religious social spheres. Based on social differentiation theory, this article develops such a theoretical approach. The approach orders existing insights on religion in STs and suggests potential avenues of research. Download (PDF)