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Aktuelles aus Theologie und Religionsforschung
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2. September 2011
IAPR Conference 2011 in Bari
In August 21 - 25, 2011 the International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR) had its bi-annual conference in Bari, Italien. Our research team from Bielefeld University was well represented.
In the Panel "Both Sides of the Medal: Xenophobia, Prejudice, and Religious Cognition" we had the following presentations:
- H. Streib: "Does Religious cognition facilitate or prevent xenophobia and violence in adolescents"
- A.-K. Henseler: "Fuelling religious conflict - studies on the interaction between ideolocal beliefs and religious identification" (co-authored by H. Cavacho and A.Zick)
- C.Klein: "Your religion is not bad - but mine is better: What indirect measures can tell us about inter-religious attitudes"
In the Panel "Horizontal Transcendence and Spirituality in cross-cultral research" we had the following presentations:
- C.Silver: "The promise of international collaborative research: Benefits and disadvantages in methodology and paradigm" (co-author: R.W. Hood)
- H.Streib: "The spirituality of atheists, agnostics and deconverts" (co-athor: C.Klein) [pdf]
- B.Keller: "Exploring spiritual narrative identies: Implicitly atheist, agnostic, or religious?" [pdf]
- A. Swhajor: "Self-rated atheists, highly religious and highly spiritual persons and their semantics regarding religion and spirituality" (co-autors: D. Ticu; S.Luhmann) [pdf]