Aktuelles aus Theologie und Religionsforschung
A Review by Herbert Will for Barbara Keller's Toward a binocular vision of religion: Psychoanalytic and psychometric perspectives
This is a decidedly inventive and innovative study. The author does a threefold crossover: between psychoanalysis and academic psychology, between nomothetic and idiothetic research, and between North American and European cultures of knowledge. This interdisciplinary approach in the psychology of religion works out well, which does not go without saying. The complexity of the topic of religion, which becomes evident, could easily lead to an unapprehended clutter of concepts and to arbitrary setting of thematic priorities.
After an introduction which gives orientation and clarification of concepts Keller discusses aspects of religious development, of religion and personality, and of handling religious issues in psychotherapy. In all chapters exemplary quantitative and qualitative approaches and case studies are presented. This offers vistas, which broaden the view of the reader and remove method-related blinkers. Barbara Keller can do this, because she has demonstrated profound knowledge of theory and practice as empirical researcher as well as practicing psychoanalyst.
Regarding my own field of expertise, the psychoanalytic psychology of religion, I find Barbara Keller´s work markedly well informed and well-oriented. She uses the psychoanalytic perspective in ways that develop it further and that lead to innovative results. Her readers will enjoy that her writing is clear and easy without compromising scientific differentiation.
Herbert Will
Dr. med., Mag. theol., Psychiater und Psychoanalytiker (M.A. in theology, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst)
Joint Editor PSYCHE, Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen (Psyche – Journal for psychoanalysis and its applications)