Vortrag von Marc Helbling "Migration Aspirations and Attitudes towards Migrants in the Context of Climate Change"
Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe des Kolloquiums “Environmental Degradation and Climate Change: Voice, Exit or Quiescence” der AG "Soziologie der Transnationalisierung" möchten wir Sie herzlich zum Vortrag von Marc Helbling (Universität Mannheim) zum Thema "Migration Aspirations and Attitudes towards Migrants in the Context of Climate Change" 22. Mai 2024 um 16 Uhr in X-C3-107 eingeladen. Diese Veranstaltung findet als Hybrid-Veranstaltung statt.
As part of the Colloquium Series “Environmental Degradation and Climate Change: Voice, Exit or Quiescence” oranised by the research group Sociology of Transnationalization we would like to cordially invite you to the presentation "Migration Aspirations and Attitudes towards Migrants in the Context of Climate Change" by Marc Helbling (Mannheim University) on 22nd May 2024. This is a hybrid event.