SFB 1288
The Many Faces of Comparison
International guests from Hong Kong, New York, and Amsterdam, among others, spoke about their comparative observations, from European-influenced Russian painting to the question of whether Marco Polo had really been in China, to comparing the financial strength of different nations. From the SFB’s lineup, topics such as comparative vision in the 18th century, the transformation of digital practices of comparing and comparing in poetry and film were presented.
In addition to intense and controversial discussions, productive parallels and patterns have been found again and again over the course of the three days. These parallels and patterns have once again proved how promising the emerging research field of interdisciplinary practices of comparing is.
f.l.t.r.: Peer Vries, Angelika Epple, Longxi Zhang
Reception insights
Rector Gerhard Sagerer welcomed the conference guests
Walter Erhart and Johannes Grave
Ratings in Panel I
Keynote Speakers Ann Stoler and Haun Saussy
Peter Geimer
Ann Stoler on the "Limits of Comparison"
Haun Saussy: "Are we comparing yet?"
The DIY SFB cube
Making of: Interview with Alexander Martin
Gary Shaw
Alexander Martin
f.l.t.r.: Hartmut von Sass and Carlos Spoerhase
Photos: Philipp Ottendörfer