SFB 1288
SFB 1288 Working Paper No. 1
The SFB's first working paper "Vergleichen unter den Bedingungen von Konflikt und Konkurrenz" ('Comparing under the conditions of conflict and competition') is a joint publication by the members of project area A. Its central question focuses on the specificities of comparisons or practices of comparing under the conditions of conflict and competition.
These specificities are analyzed by using sociologically inspired deliberations on the basic concepts of conflict and competition. Taking a sociology of competition as its starting point, the concepts of competition and direct violent conflicts are elucidated against the background of research contexts from different disciplines.
Another key element are the insights into five case studies drawn from the subprojects' research.
The working paper series "Praktiken des Vergleichens. Working Paper des SFB 1288" ('Practices of Comparing. Working Paper of the SFB 1288') is edited by the SFB's spokesperson and deputies, namely Angelika Epple, and the deputy spokespersons Walter Erhart and Johannes Grave.
The submitted papers are going through an internal peer review process.
The working papers of the SFB 1288 are a forum for the SFB and its associates and guests, can be found via the SFB 1288's website, and the publication system of Bielefeld University, and are quotable publications.