SFB 1288
Hyperimages and the role of comparison in arranging image objects
Art historian and aesthetics scholar Felix Thürlemann (Konstanz) raised questions about the possibilites and limits of comparing in reviewing images. The particular competences and prior knowledge of the observers play a crucial role in this context.
With arranging images and image objects, a new complex image-text emerges which Thürlemann labels as hyperimage. This image-text has to be reconstructed in an own hermeneutic process, underlining the individual meaning and character of the hyperimage. Hence, arranging images and also the curatorial practice itself can be seen as artistic processes.
Sophia Prinz (Frankfurt/Oder) will continue the series of lectures on January 17, 2018 with a talk on "Forms of Comparison. The Order of Objects and the Practice of Viewing".
Felix Thürlemann (Konstanz)
Joris Corin Heyder (Subproject C01)
Boris Roman Gibhardt (Bielefeld)
Photos: Rebecca Moltmann