SFB 1288
Contributions for comparison in the "Forum for Inter-American Research" (fiar)
The "Forum for Inter-American Research" (fiar), established by the American Studies Programme at Bielefeld University in 2008, is the E-Journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS). In the issue "Doing and Undoing Comparisons: Practices of Comparison in the Americas from Colonial Times to the Present" practices of comparing in the Americas are to be pursued across all periods and areas in a transdisciplinary manner. Contributions on a wide variety of topics are welcome, whether for oral or written means of expression, clothing, rituals, movements, politics, music, art, etc.
Issues such as: who are the actors involved in or excluded from practices of comparing? Who may and who may not compare? What role did practices of comparing play in colonisation?
The detailed Call for Papers may be found here: Link to CfP