SFB 1288
Academia - profession or calling?
Practices of writing, practices of the academic realm, non-academic career paths - not only comparing is on the SFB's young reserachers' minds. With the SFB 1288 research class for the PhD students coming to the end of summer term 2018, Walter Erhart, deputy spokesperson and responsible for the junior scientists of the SFB, organized a two-day retreat for the doctoral students.
Invited guests were Nadja Sennewald, Head of the Center for Writing of Goethe University Frankfurt who gave an input about writing and different types of writers, Cornelia Soetbeer, Team lead at the VW Foundation, and Dorothee Kimmich, Professor for Cultural Literary Studies at the University of Tübingen.
Besides discussions about implicit scientific practices, tests to find out which type of writer one is, and reading, among others, Max Weber's "Science as a vocation" or texts from the publication "What was Bielefeld?", of course there was also room for practices of drinking coffee or chatting.
Nadja Sennewald
Cornelia Soetbeer
Photos: Rebecca Moltmann