Center for InterAmerican Studies
InterAmerican Studies Colloquium with Philipp Wolfesberger (26.11.)
Cordial invite to the next IAS colloquium on Tuesday, November 26th from 18 to 20hs (CET) at Bielefeld University, Room C01-252 in Main Building.
"The quiet middle? Transregional perspectives of the gray zone in migration policy narratives"
Philipp Wolfesberger (Bielefeld University)
Migration narratives tend to polarize and create controversial but also contradictory interpretations of immigrants. Political leaders, government documents, and international institutions constantly (re)produce multiple meanings when discussing and writing about migration. Even though many policy narratives are in an intermediate position, academic studies predominantly focus on the extreme flanks of anti-pro-migration. So, how can we conceptually capture the in-between spaces of polarized migration policy narratives? What are the differences and similarities in transregional perspectives between Europe and the Americas? The theoretically founded lens of a gray zone serves for further empirical studies and can contribute to de-essentializing polarized stances on migration.
See full program here
Lxs invitamos cordialmente a participar en nuestro próximo coloquio, el martes 26 de noviembre de 18 a 20hrs (CET - salón: C01-252). Programa completo aquí.