Center for InterAmerican Studies
InterAmerican Studies Colloquium (Walter Pengue, 28.1.)
We are cordially inviting to in our next IAS colloquium on Tuesday, January 28th from 18 to 20hs (CET) at Bielefeld University, room C01-252. "The Nexus between natural resources, food systems and climate change: A perspective from the Southern Cone of the world" Walter Pengue (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento / Universidad de Buenos Aires - CALAS Gast Professur)
Walter Alberto Pengue is an Agricultural Engineer, with a specialization in Plant Genetic Improvement (Plant Breeding) from the University of Buenos Aires. At the same University he obtained his Master’s degree in Environmental and Territorial Policies. His PhD was done at the School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineers at the University of Córdoba (Spain) in Agroecology, Sociology and Sustainable Rural Development. Walter Pengue is Full Professor of Ecological Economics and Agroecology at the National University General Sarmiento (UNGS) and Director of the Landscape and Environmental Ecology Group (GEPAMA) at the University of Buenos Aires (FADU UBA). Pengue has been studying the relationships between Natural Resources and Food System at different levels (global to local agroecosystems).