How to achieve digital maturity? - talk and final event of the DataLiteracy@OWL project
In our digital world, data is everywhere. Learning how to use and analyse this data is also part of it. Data literacy education in schools, universities and further education plays a crucial role. In this context, Leena Simon, net philosopher and activist, will give a talk on Wednesday 8th November at 17:30 on what digital literacy is and how it can be achieved. The title of the talk is: "Digitale Mündigkeit. Wie wir mit einer neuen Haltung die Welt retten können." After the talk in room X-E0-001, there will be an opportunity to discuss the demands of education in the digital world with media educator Prof. Dr. Dan Verständig and lawyer Prof. Dr. Daniel Antonius Hötte. This is the final event of the DataLiteracy@OWL project, and you are all cordially invited!