© Universität Bielefeld
Published on
29. October 2020
Welcome Day Winter Term 2020/21
Welcome Day Wintersemester 2020/21
:: 21 new doctoral researchers at the BGHS ::
On Wednesday, 28 October, the digital Welcome Day for the winter semester 2020/21 took place at the BGHS. BGHS Directors Thomas Welskopp and Ruth Ayaß welcomed the 21 new doctoral researchers, who had the opportunity to introduce themselves and get to know the doctoral representatives and the staff of the BGHS office. Sabine Schäfer then introduced the BGHS doctoral training and study programme. Despite the unusual circumstances, we wish all new members a good start to their doctoral studies at the BGHS.
The presentation of the Welcome Day is available here:

New doctoral researchers and their projects:
- Mathilde Ackermann: The Man in the Middle. Soziale und hierarchische Beziehungen auf den Sklavenplantagen auf Saint-Domingue im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
- Clara Camille Held: Zwangsarbeit in OWL während der NS-Diktatur. Der Einsatz der Gefangenen des Lages Stalag 326 in Stukenbrock
- Frederic Kunkel: Standardisierung der Immobilienbewertung in Großbritannien 1970-1995
- Malte Wittmaack: Fremde Körper in fremder Kultur? Die christlich-europäische Wahrnehmung der Bevölkerung des Osmanischen Reiches
- Hannah Louise Brown: Tensions between environmental and social goals: An analysis of climate change policy in the European Union
- Alina Isakova: Do international organizations actually cooperate? Factors influencing cooperation between inter- and non-governmental organizations in early warning and response to violent conflicts
- Jonas Fritzler:Who defends human security norms in times of crisis? Western small states and middle power norm entrepreneurship against the backdrop of a changing world order
- Frank Meyhöfer: World diagnoses: Social theory between science and public intervention
- Robin Schulze Waltrup: Ideas and discourses on eco-social policy as a new paradigm in global governance? Exploring the merging of environmental and social policy ideas in the OECD and the World Bank
- Zaza Sophie Louise Zindel: Using Social Media for Recruitment of Rare Populations
- Susanne Dimmer: Stigmatisierung oder Selbstbestimmung: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu den Effekten von Etikettierungsprozessen auf die Identität polyamorös lebender Frauen
- Maximilian Wächter: Zur Messung populistischer und konspiratorischer Einstellungen
- Katerina Volkov: Between multilateralism, bilateralism, and unilateralism: An analysis of the Russian Federation's involvement in international organizations, 1945-2020
- Oday Uraiqat : Populism in World Society
- Minh Ngoc Luong: Moral Struggles and Politics of Care under Market Socialism: Welfare provision for migrant workers in global factories in Vietnam
- Maria del Carmen Mayer: Transformative Strategien und kollektives Handeln in der COVID-19 Pandemie. Ein Vergleich der Solidaritätsbrigaden in Mailand und Neapel
- Yiming Zhang : Modern Practice of Traditional Craftsmen from the Perspective of Field Variation
- Weijing Wang : Returning Migrants for Rural Revitalization: Changing Rural Development Discourse and Practice in China
- Tatiana Saraseko: Urban renaissance in world society: Actorness of global cities in global governance
- Malte Neuwinger: The emergence of large-scale field experiments in social policy: How boundary organizations shape global institutions
- Katherina Lampe: Interaktionssoziologische Analysen der Schiedsrichterkommunikation im Handball