Welcome Day Summer Term 2021
Welcome Day Summer Term 2021
:: Ten new doctoral researchers::
On Wednesday, 14 April, the digital Welcome Day for the summer semester 2021 took place at the BGHS. Ruth Ayaß and Klaus Weinhauer welcomed the new doctoral researchers as well as the new project staff in the Collective Research Centre "Practices of Comparison" and the future doctoral researchers in the new Research Training Group "Gender as Experience", who were also invited to the Welcome Day. This was followed by a 'chat storm' in which the doctoral researchers introduced themselves and they had the opportunity to get to know the doctoral representatives and the staff of the BGHS office. Afterwards, Sabine Schäfer introduced the training and study programme of the BGHS. Despite the unusual circumstances, we wish all new and future members a great start at the BGHS.
The presentation of the Welcome Day is available here:

New doctoral researchers and their projects:
- Marcel Beyer (Sociology): Imagination von Zukünften in Wirtschaft - anhand von Eigentum und Besitz: Sozialwissenschaftlich-ökonomische Zugänge und die Perspektive von Jugendlichen
- Lincoln Simoes Fontenele (Sociology): The theory of social inclusion meets peripheral modernity: challenges for workers in the face of Brazilian Labor Law Reform of 2017
- Angela Eva Gutierrez (History): Constructing Races, Overcoming Racism: The Lost Utopia in Cuba (1880-1912)
- Christoph Herkströter (History): Geschichtsräume im Wandel. Die museale Vermittlung der deutschen Zeitgeschichte in Ost- und Westdeutschland seit 1958
- Anna Karmann (Sociology): Paradox Effects of Family Policies: The Role of Welfare States for Gender and Class Inequalities Reconsidered
- Paulo Emilio Lima (Sociology): The intergenerational transmission of values and its impact on societal cohesion
- Simon Lütkewitte (Sociology) : Social Participation and Political Polarization in the Context of Modern Cleavage Structures: How Different Forms of Social Participation Can Reduce Intergroup Conflicts
- Stella Nüschen (Sociology) : Die Aushandlung von Zugehörigkeiten im städtischen Raum
- Phuong Phan (Sociology): From the Art of the Party to the Property of the People: The Social Life of Propaganda Posters in Vietnam
- Tim Niklas Rieke (History): The socio-cultural role of German consuls in 19th century Latin America