Summer greetings from the BGHS office
Summer greetings from the BGHS office
The lecture period of the summer semester 2021 is now almost over and we had hoped to celebrate the BGHS Summer Party together around this time. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Nevertheless, we wish you all a great summer wherever you spend it. The BGHS office will also be taking a short summer break from 26 July to 15 August 2021. After that we will be here for you again! At the summer party we would also have honoured this year's graduates. Although this is not possible, we would still like to report which BGHS members have completed their work since the beginning of the year:
Completed doctorates since January 2021 in chronological order:
Susanne Schultz (Sociology): 'Failed' migratory adventures? Malian men facing conditions post deportation in southern 'Mali'
Stefan Laffin ( History): Ein „Befreier“, der nicht mehr geht? Die alliierte Besatzung Süditaliens, 1943-1947
Malte Stöcken (History): Dokumentation. Eine Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Auskunftsstellen, Referatenblätter, Dezimalklassifikation und des transnationalen Wissenstransfers von 1900 bis 1945
Anke Erdmann (Sociology): The Victim-Offender Overlap Exploring and Explaining the Association Between Victimization and Delinquency in Adolescence
Edvaldo de Aguiar Portela Moita (Sociology): On the Nature and Impacts of Noncompliance: With a Study of Informality and Street Vending in Brazil
Julian Gieseke (History): Griechische Ethnographie im Zeitalter Roms (2. Jh. v. - 1. Jh. n. Chr.). Die Rolle der Vergleichspraktiken bei der Darstellung der Nordvölker
Florian Sander (Sociology): Das Primat des Politischen im Nationalsozialismus – Politik und Recht im Spannungsfeld von Differenzierung und Entdifferenzierung
Marie Lemser (History): Beobachten, beschreiben, vergleichen. Ethnographische Praktiken und griechisches Denken von den Alexanderzügen bis ins zweite vorchristliche Jahrhundert
Martin Breuer (History): Multilaterale Entwicklungspolitik und Indigenität im Andenraum: Das Programa Indigenista Andino und die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (1949-1970)
We wish the graduates all the best and much success in their future careers!
Best wishes and have a great time!
The team of the BGHS office