Open Lecture Series »Linie 4«
On Tuesday, 17 October 2017 at 6 pm, the third series of public lectures »Linie 4« will start at Ravensberger Park. Within the cooperation project with the Volkshochschule Bielefeld (adult education centre) a total of eight lectures are planned until February 2018. One lecture will be in English.
The programme covers historical topics and current social issues: for example female political activists in France in the inter-war period, Yazidi women as refugees in Germany and murders with secret poison in the 19th century. At the beginning of the lecture series, the sociologist Dr. Marius Meinhof will hold a lecture on the topic: Konsum und nationale Modernisierung in China [Consumption and national modernization in China]. After the presentation there will be time for questions from the audiance.
Everybody who is interested in the lecture series is cordially invited. The lecture series is for free. The doctoral researchers of the BGHS are looking forward to an exciting exchange and a fruitful dialogue with an interested audience in the city centre.
For further information and the programme please see:
UNI.AKTUELL (in German)
hertz 87,9: Podcast »ImPuls« zur Vortragsreihe Linie 4 (in German)