New Doctoral Representatives
The new Doctoral Representatives (from left to right): Patrick Kahle, Ina Kiel, Mira Claire Zadrozny, Henning Middelschulte, Sisay Dirirsa, Ayomide Kolawole
Photo by Thomas Abel
The new doctoral representatives started their work at the BGHS. The representatives for »Doctoral Programme« are Mira Claire Zadrozny (History) and Henning Middelschulte (Sociology). The representatives for »Internationals« are Ayomide Kolawole (Sociology) and Sisay Dirirsa (History). Patrick Kahle (Sociology) and Ina Kiel (History) are elected representatives for »Social and Cultural Affairs«. The office term of the new elected doctoral representatives is one year.
Doctoral representatives at the BGHS
Doctoral representatives at the BGHS are there for the concerns of the doctoral researchers. Since the BGHS lays a great emphasis on its members' participation, the doctoral researchers choose their representatives among themselves. These are in complete six doctoral researchers, one in history and one in sociology for the "Doctoral Programme". In addition, there are two representatives for "Internationals" and "Social and Cultural Affairs".
The doctoral representatives for the "Doctoral Programme" are the main contact persons for all doctoral researchers of the BGHS. They represent the interests of the doctoral researchers, attend the meetings of the Executive Board, participate in the selection of fellows, mediate conflicts etc.
The doctoral representatives for the "Internationals" are contact persons for international doctoral researchers and fellows. They promote the specific interests of international doctoral researchers and accompany and advise the newcomers, as well facilitate their entry into university life in Bielefeld.
The doctoral representatives in the field of "Social and Cultural Affairs" are contact persons for social and cultural events at BGHS. Their task is to bring the BGHS members together, to plan joint activities, to perform and help shape the social and cultural life at the BGHS.
For further information on the representation of interests at the BGHS and the Guidelines of Representation, please see: