Let's talk! Non-academic careers #8
:: Non-academic careers ::
Practitioners in talk #Part 8
Many ways lead out of the BGHS. But where do pathways lead to after the doctorate? In the winter semester we talk to historians and sociologists who have chosen their profession outside the university. Linda Groß talked to us about her work at the Service Center for Young Academics at Bielefeld University.
The homepage of the service center of the University of Bielefeld
If you remember the start of your career: How did you find your way in?
Linda Groß: The entry was done in the classic way by an application. The job was advertised here at the university. That was quite good, because I had defended my dissertation shortly before. That was the change of profession: from the doctorate at the BGHS to the job here. At the time, I focused my applications on science management positions - and there were a few positions where I realized that my profile fit. Which was a pretty good feeling, because I actually only started looking when I handed in my dissertation.
Where do you work now inside or outside the university?
Linda Groß: Yes, so, non-university: That doesn't really fit to my job here at the university. I work as a consultant in the Service Center for Young Researchers. We are assigned to the Department for Research Promotion and Transfer (FFT) and the Vice Rectorate for Research, Young Academics and Equal Opportunities. The FFT is the interface between scientists and the Rectorate, and in this context we advise on the application and processing of third-party funding, which is requested by young scientists, but also by experienced scientists who want to apply for a graduate programme - for example a DFG Research Training Group.
As research officers, we support the scientists and decentralised administrations in particular in meeting the respective requirements of the funding organisations. For the Prorectorate, my work consists of coordinating interdisciplinary services and structures in order to support young researchers in the development of their scientific careers. This also includes information events and funding instruments, which we ourselves offer as a service centre for young researchers.
Promotion of young researchers. Photo by Thomas Abel
What tips do you have for colleagues from sociology and history who are interested in entering your professional field?
Linda Groß: My tip is not to take the doctorate too instrumentally - that would be the case if I chose the topic in such a way that I also have chances on the job market. I think the most important thing is to first follow your own interests and thus create a good motivational basis for you to master the doctoral phase on the one hand and to get where you want to be on the other. And if, during the doctorate, I notice that science as a system interests me and I can imagine working in a science-supporting function, then I would consider how to acquire the necessary entry skills. Through informal discussions with people who are already working in this field, for example, I can gain knowledge of the labour market and get advice on which skills I can still acquire and how
There are now also a large number of in-service training courses for science management, which show that the field is becoming increasingly professionalised. However, in individual cases, I would carefully examine whether these represent an added value or whether one does not already have sufficient knowledge and experience through one's scientific practice and can acquire everything else "on the job". But I would start with personal interest. I am convinced that this is exactly what will help me find a job later.
Linda, thank you for talking to us.
The interview was conducted by Ulf Ortmann.
You can find the complete conversation as PDF (german) here:
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