Guest lecturer & researcher in 2018
With the end of the winter semester, the BGHS welcomed several international guests from different disciplines and research areas. As guest researcher and lecturer they hold seminars, did research, discussed with the doctoral researchers and gave advice for their projects.
Historian from Finland: Kalle Pihlainen Picture: Thomas AbelKalle Pihlainen
From 4 January until 15 February, the adj. professor Kalle Pihlainen (University of Turku, Finland) was a guest at the BGHS. Kalle Pihlainen is a historian, with a focus on on the theory and philosophy of history, narrative theory, embodiment and existential phenomenology.
It was his second time here. The first time was in 2014. Both times he was suggested by Zoltán Boldizsár Simon, who just got the doctorate in history. “He has a very good overview in the field of philosophy of history”, he says. “And especially for me was good, that we often have different opinions in discussions. It sharps your way to argument way better than agreement.”
On 18 January, Pihlainen presented his book The Work of History. Constructivism and a Politics of the Past in frame of the colloquia series of the department of history. On 30 and 31 January he hold a block seminar about violence and legitimacy in 'speaking for others'
Professor for History at the City University of New York: Dagmar Herzog Picture: Thomas AbelDagmar Herzog
From 9 to 11 January, Dagmar Herzog, professor at the City University of New York, visited the BGHS. Herzog is a historian with research interests in Modern Europe, History of Sexuality and History of Religion.
Jana Hofmann, doctoral reseracher at the BGHS, had the idea to invite Dagmar Herzog. “The first time, I met her was at the German Historikertag in Göttingen, where she hold a lecture, and then a second time in the USA.”, she says. “I was impressed of her presence. Also Dagmar Herzog's research focus matches very well to the interests of lots of BGHS members.”
On 9 January, Herzog hold a lecture about How Psychoanalysis Got Sexually Conservative: The “Jewish Science” Crosses the Atlantic. On 10 and 11 January, she gave a Methods Class about Psychoanalysis/ Sexuality: New Methodological Challenges.
Historian at the Universitity of Basel: Peter Bänziger Picture: Thomas AbelPeter Bänziger
On 16 and 17 January, Dr. Peter Bänziger gave a seminar at the BGHS. Bänziger is a historian from Basel University. As a fellow of the current ZiF-research group In Search of the Global Labour Market, which takes place in Bielefeld, he had not far to the BGHS. The topic of his seminar was: Production or Consumption? Deconstructing a Guiding Difference of Modernity.
One of the participants was Aanor Roland, who works at the BGHS on her doctoral project about tax governance in the European Union. “We discussed basic literature and classics – but with more background and with new perspectives on them”, she says. Among others, they read texts of Karl Marx and Adam Smith and discussed for example, how Smith became the reputation to be the father of neoliberalism.
Marcelo Neves, Professor für Public Law und Legal Theory in Brasilien Picture: Thomas AbelMarcelo Neves
Professor Marcelo Neves visited the BGHS from 23 January to 1 February. Neves is originally a professor for public law and legal theory and the University of Brasilia. But according to BGHS member Edvaldo de Aguiar Portela Moita, who recommended Neves, his ideas are interesting for historians and sociologists as well. “He is one of the most famous scholars of law in Brazil”, he explains. “And the most interesting part about him is, that he is not only a lawyer, but also works with Systems Theory. His doctoral thesis was a discussion of Luhmann’s theory of the system of law, and Luhmann cited him in his later works about the law.”
The block seminar Marcelo Neves hold was about the topic: Globalization or peripherization: how to conceive of modern democracies in a World Society?
Events and guest lecturer in the summer semester
The semester break will still last until 9 April. The next BGHS event is 17 April, BGHS around the world. On 18 April will be the Welcome Day, where the new BGHS member and start-ups will be introduced.
The guest lecturer of the summer semester will be Dr. Chien-Juh Gu (Western Michigan University) und Prof. Peter J. Heather (King's College London). Chien-Juh Gu is a sociologist with a teaching and research focus on the sociology of gender. Her block seminar will be from 19 – 20 June, and deals with the topic "Immigration and Gender: Theory, Methods, and Analysis". Peter J. Heather is a historian, his research interests lie in the later Roman Empire and its successor states. He holds a seminar about The Christianisation of Europe from 24 – 25 May.
More events in the BGHS calendar:
More information about the guest lecturer program: