BGHS Working Paper No 8
BGHS Working Paper No 8
Carolin Kunz, BGHS alumna and research associate at TU Dortmund, has published the article "Der Ton macht die Promotion? Ergebnisse der Online-Befragung der Promovierenden an der Universität Bielefeld 2020” (Results of the online survey of doctoral researchers at Bielefeld University 2020), which is based on the results of a survey conducted as part of an undergraduate seminar she held.
The success of doctoral researchers is based on the supervision they receive during the research project. According to the state of research, regular contact with the supervisor and his/her expertise, but also mutual sympathy play a role. The results of an online survey of doctoral researchers at Bielefeld University from 2020 presented in this article focus on doctoral supervision: the doctoral researchers were partially to rather satisfied with their supervision, but also about one in four respondents had already had a conflict with the supervisor, whereby differences were found by faculty and gender. In addition, the doctoral researchers' wishes were identified with regard to support, for example in networking, publishing and the selection of methods and theories. The article shows that supervisors and the university need to take action and can contribute to improving the conditions for doctoral studies.
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