BGHS Annual Seminar 2017
From 13 till 15 July the 9th Annual Seminar to the topic Grappling with the Global: The Challenge of Boundaries in History and Sociology takes place at the BGHS.
The conference highlights and questions contemporary approaches that challenge the ongoing conceptual dominance of the nation state. The conference schedule will revolve around global interconnections, challenges and crises. The contributions and presentations include discussions of the socio-economic implications of globalisation, international migration as well as economic, political and religious entanglements and conflicts.
The programme includes seven panel sessions on specific aspects and notions of the global such as "Global Conflicts", "Global Dimensions of Religion" or "Migration in a Globalising World". Furthermore, three keynotes by Ahmet Öncü (Sabanci University, Istanbul), Saskia Sassen (Columbia University, New York), and Drew Thompson (Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson) – distinguished international researchers – and a presentation by intermedia artist Karina Smigla-Bobinski complete this year's conference.
Everybody who is interested joining the Annual Seminar is cordially invited. Conference venue is the building X at Bielefeld University. The opening event will be on 13 July at 9 p.m. in room X-A2-103. The brochure with the schedule and further information is available at:
The press release of the Annual Seminar 2017 and further information about the Annual Seminars since 2009 are available at: